Mirste is Missing - 10/11/15 Raid

I mentioned it on Monday, but a few people had already left mumble - I will be in Canada for Sunday, 10/11 for anniversary shenanigans. I won't make it back in time to raid, sorry.
If you can find another tank (or if you can solo tank stuff), do it without me!
I think my Penguin Lumberjack can help in this regard. No worries kids, Koreish is on the case.
I will also be out for Sunday and Monday due to travel for a work conference.
Maybe this is a good week for us to consider helping people gear. I can tank.
Gear day on Sunday night -- we'll run through the earlier bosses and see if we can't get a few good pieces. Watch out for prime tanking tho!
I make no claims that my tanking is good. But it ain't terrible.
May all of you get (have gotten) your four-set!
We got through to Iskar, so no four-sets yet, but I do believe some people got some gear.