Quick ways to get more gold weekly for your toons

old instances like shadowfang keep The Deadmines The Stockade Gnomeregan Uldaman Wailing Caverns a lot of old 5 man vanilla 5 mans .The reason is twink gear and transmog gear still sells on all servers you still have one chest in sfk that goes for 140 k or more and tons from all these 5 mans .Another thing is u can do them quickly step back out and reset and go back in quickly for them .Another thing you can do each week is all cata raids you useually make 5 k or more on vendoring trash items and then you still have boes cloth and other items to sell at ah you do that 4 times a month thats 20 k gold.here a post from bliz watch for everyone . http://blizzardwatch.com/2015/05/24/shifting-perspectives-soloing-cataclysm-raids-6000g-week/