
New lawsuit targets DVD copying

edited February 2004 in Science & Tech
The DVD Copy Control Association, a Hollywood backed technology group, filed a suit against software company 321 Studios Friday, for allegedly infringing patent rights on its DVD copy protection.

[blockquote]"In taking this legal action, DVD CCA is turning its focus toward those who produce and broadly distribute products in the marketplace that facilitate the widespread infringement of the copyrights on motion pictures that CSS was designed to protect," said Steven Reiss, an attorney for the trade organization, in a statement. "DVD CCA believes that halting the mass marketing of these illegal products is the most important and effective step toward protecting its property from theft and misuse in a changing marketplace."
[link=http://news.com.com/2100-1025_3-5159279.html?tag=nefd_top]The full report[/link]
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