what is the difference between workstation and gaming cards?
besides the drivers and the connectivity, what is the difference? i see that they are advertized on different merrits (clockspeed vs. geometry engines, etc.), is there anythign physically different compared to the game specific cards (ATI and Nvidia cards only that is)
As for the difference between ati and nvidia cards, the best comparison is between intel and amd. Anything with "radeon" included in the name will almost always be based on an ati chip while anything with "geforce" in the name will almost always have an nvidia chip on the video card.
Old But Good Explanation Here:
Good info, KF, but I have to say that this bit here is somewhat confusing... Anything with "radeon" in the name is DEFINITELY an ATI card, and anything with GeForce in the name is DEFINITELY an nVidia card. That's like saying "Anything with 'Pentium' in the name will almost always be an Intel product".. They are trademarks owned by the respective companies.
So most of it is in the software?
i know about the 3dlabs cards (how i would love one when i'm doing 3ds and maya work), they seem to be the only ones NOT using a gaming card core (just look at the wildcat 4's, they're a directx7 part)
3dlabs only updates to new drivers about once every year or two.
Nvidia probably would give you the best performance for workstation graphics and Radeon the better quality as far as those two mfg's are concerned.
Matrox has a reputation for being a top notch lowend/midrange workstation card as well with excellent performance and is probably what I would recommend for best all around combo game/workstation on a budget.
If you really wanna know the ends and outs of pro graphics I would refer you to MediaMan.