For.... the Horde?

This might be a rare window of opportunity to move our mains... and the guild.... back to the Horde.
Same server? Different server?
For.... the Horde? 21 votes
This might be a rare window of opportunity to move our mains... and the guild.... back to the Horde.
Same server? Different server?
Charity and I will be joining back within the next few weeks, and every time we've taken a break and returned, we've had to shell out for realm/faction transfers to regroup with our friends. Plus we actually like Alliance better. :-p
Of course, take my vote with less weight, since we bailed halfway through this expansion.
I'm good for either server.
My vote has less weight since I'm a filthy quitter, but I do still love the IC guild and everyone in it and I want to play with all of you in Legion. I invested hundreds of dollars, as many did, to consolidate everything to the Alliance at last. I would be upset if that went to waste on a turn back to the Horde.
Short answer: No objective preference.
Long answer: While I much prefer Horde, and am vastly more invested on that side then Alliance (I started an Alliance toon solely just to play with you all), at this point I don't care.
This is for three reasons:
1. I've had enough time to work on more Alliance toons so I've got more options on how to play on Alliance, also there is no room at my prefered conversion destination.
2. It doesn't cost me a thing either way since my Horde side is already well invested.
3. So long as I'm still playing with friends and we're all having fun, the details don't matter as much.
Oh and if you do convert to Horde, my suggestion would be NOT the same server. Kel'Thuzad is so Alliance and PvP dominated that world related progression (questing, professions, etc) would be so unnecessarily difficult.
I'm still gonna be playing my Horde toons first when Legion drops regardless of the outcome here. Tauren Hunter Forever!
I am indifferent. My RL friend re-subbed recently and plays horde so I have hanging with him. I actually have more horde toons that are 100 than alliance. I really enjoyed my time in WoW playing with you guys so I am fine with anything. If you guys switch to horde, I will probably start a fresh character and level him up from scratch. By the way my horde toons are on Illidan, Sargeras, Zul'jin, and Earthen Ring.
Thrax gave my answer
I would be all about Horde IF I wasn't going to have to pay a transfer fees.
That being said I do have 2-3 Horde toons on Bloodscalp.
I'm with Thrax and Tushon, I'm a filthy casual, and I just prefer alliance cities.
I'll go where the guild goes....but money is definitely a factor for something like this. I know many of us have finally consolidated a handful of our toons over on the Alliance side. I'd be more open to it had I not already used my 100 boost, but alas. I do enjoy being Alliance though, so that's my vote!
I would move at least Maejah if guild moved, but would prefer not to re: @Thrax summary.
I love me some dwarves, but horde has always been my faction up until WoD, so while I'd prefer horde, i guess alliance is fine too..