If anyone has pictures of the OCZ prizes at the drawing and/or candid shots from Sat night/Sunday morning of people in their T-shirts, etc.
Please email them to Eric.Ryder at taec.toshiba dot com
I should have taken some more pictures of this, want to send them to the office.
Also: Upload your pics to Icrontic if you wanna still see 'em another 10 years from now.
Fixed for me!
Deleted original comment. However, dealing with resizing for web seems like a lot of effort for me ... so for the moment this is now a 20MB post
We are slowly getting to @Jokke ....
Daddy's home!!!
Oh FFS, thanks @DeathJester
Drew decided I shouldn't play Flux
@mertesn looks amused....
@MAGIC starting mad scientist brewing in the carraige house

The Great "Attached" Controversy of 2016

digi + hats = win
The sad part of the week.

Saw this on the way home. A fitting end, perhaps......
The analysis of this is left as an exercise for the reader.
I found 6 in my pockets
I found ten under my keyboard when packing up.
Buy My Shit™
If anyone has pictures of the OCZ prizes at the drawing and/or candid shots from Sat night/Sunday morning of people in their T-shirts, etc.
Please email them to Eric.Ryder at taec.toshiba dot com
I should have taken some more pictures of this, want to send them to the office.
Thank you!!