Expo 2016: Announcements & Schedule
Time AND days subject to change.
Re-check this post TWICE DAILY for updates during Expo!
- 6pm: Dinner out (meet at ICHQ by 5:30pm)
- 9pm: Team Fortress 2 (LAN)
- 9am: Bike tour (meet on porch by 8:30am)
- 3pm: Giant Catan (yard)
- 5pm: Dinner out (Al-Ameer)
- 8pm: CB Reading (pub)
- 9pm: Smash Bros (great room)
- 11pm: Overwatch (LAN)
- 9am: Kayak tour (meet on porch by 8:30am)
- 3pm: Decathalon - MK8, Mount, Balance (great room)
- 5pm: Dinner catered (taco truck)
- 6pm: Rocket League (LAN)
- 9pm: Wine Tasting (great room)
- Midnight: Fluffy Bunny & Cookie Plinko (yard)
- 11am: The Escape Room (meet on porch by 11am; returning 2pm)
- 3pm: Photo / Duct Tape Challenge (yard)
- 5pm: Dinner catered (Binh's Pho)
- 6pm: Carcasonne Tournament (carriage house)
- 9pm: Prize Drawing (great room)
- Mid: Team Fortress 2 (LAN)
Extra Events Signups
If you wish to sign up or be added to the waitlist for one of these events, please contact me ASAP for the best chance of being added.
Wine Tasting [FULL]
Meg is coordinating.
Wait list:
Bike Tour
Nicole is coordinating.
Kayak Tour
Nicole is coordinating.
Escape Room [FULL]
Linc is coordinating.
All prizes are donated by members and/or their respective employers. Prizes are distributed via "Chinese Auction" wherein you write your name on raffle tickets and place them in a prize-specific jar. Winners are chosen at random at the end of the event. Tickets are earned simply by participating in events. No double wins for a single item except where noted otherwise.
DO NOT KEEP EITHER TICKET of the double roll. Write your name on BOTH individual tickets and deposit them separately.
Multiple prizes may be grouped in one jar. They are chosen in the order winners are drawn.
Media & Accessories
I can't find the official 'extra event' prices anywhere. Can you post a list so that I might send money to the appropriate parties?
I've linked Wine, Kayak, and Pho in the schedule above to their details discussions.
Escape Room is $30 (cash to me at event or PayPal destruction@gmail.com)
Bike Tour is $20 (same payment info as Kayak)
Announcing my latest hackathon results:
Expo chat via our own forum.
It will swap out the discussion (yes, it's archiving it as a normal discussion too) daily at 5am Wed-Sun, and it ends after Monday.
Now cross your fingers the constant pinging doesn't bring down the web server
Does the $20 for the bike tour apply if you have a bike or is that for something else?
Someone can have my spot for escape room.
@magic it's free if you have your own bike
I'll take it if it's still available!
Who do I pay?
Here's Linc's paypal: destruction@gmail.com
Prizes updated with final list.
LAST CALL for filling out the survey I sent out over email! Please do it now! Only 50% of attendees have done it yet.
Do we get extra raffle tickets for next year if we filled it out?
You get the satisfaction of knowing you helped make Expo 2017 better than previous years.
Also: remember these responses are anonymous. A couple of the comment boxes asked questions / had requests like I am supposed to reply... and I can't do that because I have no idea who you are.
Let us get home gosh darn it. Do you want me to send you a potato in the mail every day for 3 months because that is how you get a constant stream of potatoes in the post.
@Linc @primesuspect do we have a list of prize winners? I have this feeling I may have won Battlefield 1, but I don't know if that's wishful thinking.