Flip-Flop Switcharoo: Legion Class Edition

Hey guys!
I'm sure many of you, like myself, have been following along intently with the news of Legion. As we all know, Legion is completely revamping how the classes we've grown to love play. Some may love the changes and others may not. 'Tis the nature of the beast.
As such, this is the primo time to change mains/classes since we're all essentially starting over with the leveling process. With the changes, I'd like to try to narrow down what the raid group will look like and to see what voids may need to be filled. I'm sure @primesuspect will crack down later on the main switching, so I'm not too concerned if you change your mind after the pre-patch goes live (though you can go on the PTR and play around with premade toons and/or copy over your own to mess around with the changes). I'm just trying to get a preliminary count going to see where we're at so we're not blindsided when it comes to raiding. (Read: so I can decide on what to play based on what we need to fill)
Thanks to @dark_arches for creating this lovely spreadsheet for us all to use!
Edit: Since we have the spreadsheet, I'm just going to be updating it as we get more responses so that Matt's work doesn't go to waste. I encourage everyone to check it out, and if you change your mind about your class or spec or role, you can adjust it yourselves in the spreadsheet!
For reference, here's how thia topic went for WoD: https://icrontic.com/discussion/99152
@Thrax , I'm hoping this goes a little differently this time around. Particularly since we're going to be putting a TON of time into our main spec with the artifact power and such. fingers crossed
Maejah will tank -- offspec will probably be dps, but I don't mind healing either.
Kethark will remain DPS shadow priest.
My Monk will be a healer.
Warrior DPS / Mage DPS (maybe)
I am very unsettled on what I'll play so far. I've kinda had a longing to get back to tanking or healing and have a couple characters that could qualify for that route. If not that, then likely rogue again, no clue on spec.
I've had a longing to get back into healing as well, but I intentionally know sweet F all about healing in Legion.
Are we factoring in Dressed members?
I didn't even have to comment to get added to the list! Haha. Yes, demo is back and I am so happy.
Trying to get my boyfriend to come raid with us, he can go heals if we need or DPS.
No. I can't help it if some people don't want to get organized on a site for the guild. If they want to come here and comment and participate, I HIGHLY encourage it. I've been beating that drum for years.
Cool. I just wanted to know. I'll message Fleur and have her check in.
Sorry, I know that sounded salty. I just get frustrated trying to herd cats
Nah, you did not sound salty, lol. The cats are always a problem.
This is why I hate cats.
So i got into beta... and it's making my decision THAT much harder. le sigh.
Adding this spreadsheet to this thread from the other discussion thread. @Mytch can you add it into your main post?
So, I can't edit my post. I think too much time has elapsed, unless @Linc can help.
@Mytch you can edit your posts now.
Thanks pops!!!
I knew you didn't really like me!
But really though, I figure I'll be doing a healer, paladin, priest, shaman... with an off spec dps most likely. Seeing as how I am a member of another guild that raids as well, and I don't want to put myself on the fast track to burn out so quickly in the new expansion, I may have to limit myself to one night of raiding. The time is still yet to come however, will see how it goes
@shinypants Oh it wasn't about you; it's about the people that have straight-up told me "I'm not joining forums" and "Why don't we just create a (insert thing that person uses to make it easier for them)?"
It's like... 90% of the guild is based around this site and the community we've built, so it gets frustrating trying to communicate with everyone in a centralized and organized fashion when you have some holdouts that are just like, "shrug I don't care".... and also who get salty when decisions are made without their input because their personal preference is to have the community somewhere else (like Facebook or Mumble or whatever).
Awww I feel the love. It's my fate to be a healer isn't it?!
@shinypants XOXOXO
It may be your fate to be a healer but the problem is you're also an awesome top-tier DPS, so.... maybe you should just stop being so damned good.
I second this.
I'll likely be back for Legion...Perhaps healer/DPS shaman...perhaps druid? still trying to confirm.
No changes for me. Death Knight DPS/Tank.
I need to get in and play around to see. Could be perfect time to switch it up and go back to my pally or priest roots.
Come with us on Sunday to get a feel for your class in a raid situation. 8pm EST Manny/Archie