MEET YOUR MATCH - competitive, ranked play comes to TF2

Overwatch must have taken a HUGE bite out of TF2, because this.
I'm interested.
Where my MvM team at. We got this.
@Signal @BobbyDigi @Karma @PirateNinja @trooster89 @_K @RahnalH102? We got this?
Overwatch closed beta started near end of october 2015, picked up multiple recruiting rounds in 2016Q1 and open beta in May, released later that month

I played the beta of it. Didn't particularly tickle my fancy.
A: To gain access to Competitive Mode, you must have a Premium TF2 Account and a qualifying telephone number on Steam. Examples of a telephone number that does not qualify would be a Voice Over IP number (e.g. Skype) or a number linked to a VAC-banned account. (For more information about qualifying phone numbers, please visit the Steam FAQ.)
If you are unable to associate a telephone number with your Steam account, you can purchase a lifetime Competitive Access Pass from the Mann Co. Store. When the Meet Your Match Update goes live, you will be able to buy the Pass at an introductory discount rate of $9.99.
@Karma you aren't on the team.

Cool, Swiftwater is officially supported now. That was a fun map the one or two times I got to play it. Also where my "Mom on mic" happened I think.
As for participating in ranked mode, maybe. I want to look into a couple certain details first.
If we'd be a full 6 man team more often then not then I'd likely feel fine with it.
I'm rusty, but interested in giving this a shot. Did we want to schedule a night or two?
Looks like it's time to reinstall TF2.
Been sitting here at work thinking about this. If we are going to do this as an Icrontic thing I feel like we should make the effort. Honestly don't want to play ranked in TF2 with people who don't want to practice and play well.
Well I think you know I'm in it to win it.
The valve store is even updated.....WTH
I definitely want in! Tf2 juicyness
Was sad when I didn't find baloonicorns in the "home and office" category and then realized there's an ENTIRE BALLONICORN CATEGORY. Unfortunately only like four items in it but hey lol
Kinda surprised this hadn't been done already. Looks good.
Their site needs some work-- for some reason, other balloonicorn items aren't cross-listed. For example, this gem is only listed under clothing and not under baloonicorn.
@Butters is interested I believe. I need some sort of weekly day for this otherwise I can't really see myself sticking to it. Do you guys have a day of the week that works? I'm up for most weekday evenings after 21:00 EST.
I am so game for this. Weekly day for this would be great, though I am not sure which one would work best for me.
I'm good with any day after 8PM. Third Wednesday of the months I have beer meetings though.
Preference on Wednesday, I can swing Monday or Friday easily. Tuesday and Thursday are harder for me as I won't even be home until after 8:30 PM CST.
1 weekday practice and ranked play sessions is great. I would also love it if there was a general weekend time where we have specific pub servers to play for game modes and if enough of us show up we all go play ranked; like Sunday 6:30-9 and a threshold of 6 for ranked.
Would be awesome if there were 2 full teams, 12 people, so we could A/B or just swap around.
I would like to get two full teams of 6. I think we have enough skilled and dedicated players to do so.
Wednesdays work for me. 9pm EST to account for west coast; does that work?
I'm down to play with full groups of Icrontians. Not really looking to get all serious with practice and shit. I can swing 6pm Pacific any weekday with notice.
9pm EST would be 6pm for me; that works especially if it's Wednesday as that is my work from home day at the moment. Other days I might be a few minutes late, hour long commute is hard to time.
@FettBacon and I are probably going to play tonight for a bit
I hate to say it bobby but this mode is all about getting serious with practice and shit; no hard feelings if you don't want in. If we're gonna do it, we gotta GO HARD
If we go hard. And I am allowed to yell out actions I might be swayed.
Fair enough.
I completely understand your stance here. We'll agree to disagree on this point though.
This wasn't just a competitive patch...
The Meet Your Match Update has arrived!
Added Casual and Competitive Matchmaking modes
Added the Heavy vs. Pyro war
3 new community maps
Added 3 new community taunts
Added 1 new official taunt
Added the Perfect Stranger crate
Reworked the main menu
Enemies killed by energy weapons now play a special sound as their body dissolves
Added check to prevent players with P-REC loaded from participating in matchmaking
Updated the Demo Support feature
Updated model/materials for the Bonk Boy, Dr's Dapper Topper, The Sole Saviors, and The Dark Falkirk Helm
Bug fixes
Custom HUD Versioning
Mann Co. Store
Game Balance
The Soda Popper
Sun on a stick
The Righteous Bison
Per-shot damage has been increased to compensate, resulting in slightly more damage on average
The Disciplinary Action
The Rocket Jumper
Cozy Camper
The Sydney Sleeper
The Cleaner's Carbine
Natascha and Brass Beast
Huo-Long Heater
Buffalo Steak Sandvich
All Flamethrowers
The Manmelter
Quick Fix
Dropped Mediguns
The Iron Bomber
The Quickiebomb Launcher
The Sticky Jumper
Eureka Effect
The Short Circuit
The Pomson
RIP Soda Poper