The Day Creeperbane2 committed the ultimate sin....

in Food & Drink
So today, I took @Creeperbane2 (Aslan) to Indy Irish Fest and we had a good time, except when he committed the ultimate sin that a drinker could make.
So, we had just ate when we found ourselves at the local beer tent. I bought myself a Smithwicks and Aslan bought a beverage as well. After he drank his, the following conversation ensued:
Aslan: "Well, I am now officially a whiskey man..."
Me (confused): "What did you have?"
Aslan: "Guiness"
Long story short, I made fun of him and wouldn't let him live it down.
Luckily, we were able to set him straight.
I would kill you if I were totally sober right now...