I know. I play with my gear so much every week I can't nail it down. I changed to a crit build, my DPS went up and then flatlined. Now I'm realizing how haste-starved I am.
Everything will change today, I guess. 7.1.5 is here. Gonna be spending a lot of time figuring out my new gear tonight.
Well now I just feel like a jerk! Haha. This week will be interesting for all of us, we will need to do some M+ dungeons to feel confident to wreck Helya next weekend. I know I'm anxiously awaiting getting out of work to see the changes!
We haven't been posting the logs here, but if you go to the IC calendar at WarcraftLogs you can always pick the fight you want to look at: https://www.warcraftlogs.com/guilds/24035/
"guess ill just throw this big pool of heals on the ground" - Protractor.
More like Xaviass.
Odyn? More like Odamn!
Swift in his ilvl858 melting face (all 3 fights)

N + H: https://www.warcraftlogs.com/reports/J2zQDtxLjvbaAd8k
Cmon @primesuspect you're making this too easy!
I know. I play with my gear so much every week I can't nail it down. I changed to a crit build, my DPS went up and then flatlined. Now I'm realizing how haste-starved I am.
Everything will change today, I guess. 7.1.5 is here. Gonna be spending a lot of time figuring out my new gear tonight.
Well now I just feel like a jerk! Haha. This week will be interesting for all of us, we will need to do some M+ dungeons to feel confident to wreck Helya next weekend. I know I'm anxiously awaiting getting out of work to see the changes!
We haven't been posting the logs here, but if you go to the IC calendar at WarcraftLogs you can always pick the fight you want to look at: