Colgere slays 10 million

primesuspectprimesuspect Beepin n' BoopinDetroit, MI Icrontian

A very big congrats and a huge thank you to Colgere for destroying the 10,000,000 point mark in Folding at Home.

Thank you, @Colgere!



  • QCHQCH Ancient Guru Chicago Area - USA Icrontian

    Man... where did you come from? I looked in my rearview mirror and nothing back there... Then there you were there and now you are past me. GREAT JOB!

  • ColgereColgere Cincinnati, OH Icrontian

    @QCH said:
    Man... where did you come from? I looked in my rearview mirror and nothing back there... Then there you were there and now you are past me. GREAT JOB!

    Hadn't folded since 2009 (had about 100,000 points when I stopped). Got a new rig together a few months back and picked up a RX480 8GB card as part of it. Decided to reinstall Folding@Home to see what the card would do. That's pretty much it... ;)

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