Hey Guys! So my dad's friend has a dream to make his game become the new "thing". It's an app/sports game thing. Please check out the video below.
If you decide you want to sign up please use the Affiliate code # 28695732 at fanfire.com to sign up. Thanks for looking!!!
"It's an app/sports game thing". WAY TO SELL IT, @LEVEX
I've read all about it and this is literally what I can gather. Looks cool but there is not really any literature on it yet!!! Heehee
What does it do? even the video doesn't really tell us anything about the app other than "SPORTS. THIS IS AN APP"
I know. I told my Dad I need more information.
Over the next few weeks we are going to be doing a strategic, extended beta test release. We understand that what we are doing has never been done before, and we need to be prepared for our massive numbers the day we hit the app store. We feel that with these few extra weeks we will be able to beta test with larger groups, gather more feedback, and add key elements to the game that will drive game play which in turn means you guys will be making money!
Some of this extended beta might include you! If you are interested in participating in the extended beta, login to your Locker Room, click on your name, go to “My Profile” and under the preference section you will see a box you can check which will let us know you’re interested in participating in the FireFan Beta Program. Check the box and then click the “Update My Preferences” button. Over the next couple of weeks, we will be leveraging Affiliates from this group that “opt-in” in the chance to help us beta test the app.
After this extended beta, we will be launch FireFan into the app store the week of November 21st. This will give us the perfect amount of time to add these key elements into the game, and FireFan will come out just in time for Thanksgiving, one of the BIGGEST football days of the year! This is also a time when people are already gathered together in a fun, social setting. We can’t think of a more ideal situation for you to play and share FireFan.
Let's Talk Tokens
Token Value:
We are finally announcing the official token value! “Token Value” is the commissionable value of a token. The value of a token is 10 cents. The actual “Token Cost” of a token is dependent on variables in the app store and quantity purchases. Please understand that although a player may pay more than 10 cents per token, dependent on the app store, Affiliates will be paid on token value which is 10 cents. This is because the app store charges additional fees.
VERY IMPORTANT: The total estimated spend of a player in the game HAS NOT CHANGED. Keep in mind, if you want someone to spend $3.00 in the app, whether they use 3 Tokens or 30 Tokens, the commissions earned is EXACTLY the same.
Pre-Registered Benefits/Bonus Tokens:
Every pre-registered player will be receiving 12 BONUS tokens which unlocks a FREE LIVE game! This is a temporary promotion that will be running for an unspecified length of time post launch. This means, every player who has already pre-registered for the game, who will pre-register for the game, and every player who downloads FireFan with a code during the promotional period, will receive 12 bonus tokens. These bonus tokens will drive game play and will teach our players how to use and play with tokens in the game.
From the beginning we have announced that BONUS tokens are not commissionable. This is still true about acquiring tokens, BUT these bonus tokens will be commissionable on TOKENS PLAYED! This means, if you invited somebody to a game, and they spend these bonus tokens, you will earn commissions. This has never been done before, but we want to reward our Affiliates for all of their hard work!
Marketing Center Update
We wanted to give you all an update on our Marketing Center. The Marketing Center was down for about four days largely due to the nationwide cyber attack that recently happened.
Marketing Center is back up and we are live! Because of the attack, we were unable to begin printing items during that time, so now that we are back up we have started printing and will be shipping materials right away. The first orders that were placed should be arriving on doorsteps by the end of next week, so be watching for those!
Due to this overwhelming ordering response, the Marketing Center will not be able to respond to all of the support requests that have been sent in. However, most of the support requests fall into three categories, to which we can provide updates here:
Requests for Order Status
As was noted in the support section of the website, it will take 2-3 weeks for the printed materials to be delivered and 4-5 weeks for the apparel. This is due to the sourcing of the apparel and the custom printing on the marketing materials. Please do not send requests for order status to the Marketing Center, as they will not be able to field these requests due to the volume.
Changes; Confirmations of Player Reward Codes
We recognize that there has been a lot of concern about ensuring that the Player Rewards Code is correct in the system so that the marketing materials do not come back incorrect. As a result, we are working with our IT Team to process a batch update of the Player Rewards Code from the Locker Room into the Marketing Center. If you used the same email address to sign up in the Locker Room as you did in the Marketing Center, your Player Rewards Code will be updated automatically to ensure your printed materials are correct and usable. If you used different email addresses, once the batch update is processed the Marketing Center will reach out to you in a separate email with next steps to get it corrected. After the batch update, everyone will be sent an email with a link to a web page where they’ll have 24 hours to review their Player Rewards Code for any errors, after which the orders will be locked and sent to the printer.
Support Requests for Issues Unrelated to the Marketing Center
There have been a large number of support requests sent to the Marketing Center for issues that aren’t related to the marketing materials or apparel. All other support requests should be going to our general customer service email – support@unitedgames.com
As is noted on the support page of the Marketing Center, you agree upon placing your order, that you are 100% fully responsible for correctly selecting your apparel color and size, and properly inserting your FireFan Player Rewards Code for all your printed marketing materials. In order to alleviate the number of incorrectly submitted Player Rewards Codes, we will publish the Player Rewards Code batch update from the Locker Room as noted above, at which time you will be responsible for following the instructions to confirm your Player Rewards Code in the email sent to you by the Marketing Center.
We appreciate your assistance in these areas and the enthusiasm with which you have approached the rollout of FireFan and the Marketing Center. We would appreciate your continued patience as we work through these temporary activation issues.
United Games Pro Shop
We have had a lot of questions regarding our United Games Pro Shop. Our Pro Shop is still live. As an Affiliate you can still visit ugproshop.com to purchase your official UG gear!
We understand you may have a lot of new questions about the launch strategy and tokens, so watch for the special edition of The FireZone Training about the launch and tokens by Natalyn Lewis. It will be posted in the Training section of your Locker Room. Also, please keep an eye on “news” section for important updates and announcements that will be coming soon.
Thank you for all of your amazing efforts. We will continue to communicate as often as possible as we go through this home stretch to get to the STARTING LINE!
-The UG Sales Team
Copyright © 2016 United Games, All rights reserved.
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From what I got watching the video, it's live spot-betting during sporting events. For example, the coin toss is going to be heads, the runner on first will steal, the home team will wear white jerseys, they'll go for a 2pt conversion, etc.
No idea if that's correct or not - part of the allure in keeping it ambiguous is so that they hit their 24hr download record they're trying to break, I'm guessing (as well as some sort of backend data or something, who knows)
@NiGHTS oh good someone understands it. I still can't login in or create an account. I understand it's beta still but sheesh