Checking Port Scanning
The Holy City Of Westlake, Ohio
I have a Linksys router (BFSR41) attached to my cable modem. Lot's of time I see the internet activity light blinking like mad when no one is actively using the net. The only lights blinking are the internet activity light on the cable modem and the WAN light on the Linksys.
I assume this means that something (external) is scanning my ports. Am I right? What can I do to find out who/what is doing this. There are no computers in the DMZ.
I assume this means that something (external) is scanning my ports. Am I right? What can I do to find out who/what is doing this. There are no computers in the DMZ.
Also, some ISP's ping you themselves, does this happen frequently and for long period's of time? Have you done a sweep of your system(s) with an adaware type app lately?
Also other auto-updaters could be arsing about, but, it could be portscans, my router keeps getting them all the time.
Note that you will see some activity that the router will not log in the form of ARP requests from the network. ARP (Address Resolution Protocol) is used by you network provider's router to determine who has what IP addresses and the MAC address that it is bound to.