Out with a whimper, not a bang
Beepin n' BoopinDetroit, MI Icrontian
Today the TF2 server finally ran out of money and I cancelled the service.
The Icrontic TF2 server was up for over 10 years, entirely community funded, and responsible for some of the greatest gaming memories and friendships of my lifetime.
Thank you all for everything! No game has held on longer or had more of an impact on the Icrontic community than Team Fortress 2.
End of an era That effing server changed my life.
Any chance the back end (if you can still access it) has any kinds of metrics or data that you can share? It would be amazing if we could see things like total matches on the server, players, play time, etc.
Figured now's the time to re-share some of my many saved memories from that server.
People swearing. (oldest one I've got on my YouTube, 2008)
Prime goes spy and spawn camps me
@BobbyDigi plays analog music from a legit record player via line-in directly to his mic port.
@primesuspect starts a legendary tradition when he puts MOM ON MIC.
Syamagoose looses it when I put my mouse sensitivity to high and spin like crazy.
@DontCallMeKelso puts Mom on Mic. Brian asks her a VERY important question.
I've got a bunch more that need to be edited, I've got clips that go back a decade saved on my PC.
It didn't do that by default, and our various stats installs over the years got reset many times. I was using GameMe for quite a while, but they cancelled and deleted our account when our credit card lapsed for 30 days due to expiration.
Same here. No idea where I'd be if @Winfrey hadn't got me to join the server but I know a series of events happened because I did that brought me to a much bigger city with a job I love, higher education, my own apartment, and a lot more friends.
I haven't played TF2 in years but no other game has had such an impact on my life.
Thank you all for being part of that.
Right game at the right time kind of thing.
Now we're old.
Tiny engi hands forever