Pokemon Go Adventure at Epic 2018 - Prepare your backpacks!
Hey, Hey, You, You, I don't like your Mobile Game, No, Way, No, Way, think you need a new one!
TL;DR If you want to get the most out of participating in the Pokemon Go Adventure at Epic 2018 and you don't have an account yet, start one now so you're not having to learn while others adventure.
Hello Friends, Fellow Trainers, Icrontians!
I, Trainer B0bbyDigi, will be hosting a Pokemon Go Adventure at Epic 2018. We'll be traveling to some hot spots to play Pokemon Go for a couple hours. Activities may include (but will not be limited to) hunting rare Pokemon, battling gyms, and raiding. I will be available for Q&A throughout the adventure (Though to be blunt, I am always open to talking about PoGo). I will put together some suggestions for those that may want to put a little money (~$5-$20) towards their adventure but these will all be completely optional and will not be required to participate in the bulk of the adventure. (Recommendation bellow)
If you already have a trainer account above level 5, you're all set. If not, I suggest going to your app store and installing Pokemon Go. When you have some free time, start it up and go through the introductory process. You'll setup your avatar and catch your first Pokemon. From there if you spin stops and catch Pokemon on a regular basis (minimum 1 spin and 1 catch per day for streak bonuses) you'll easily be at a level to enjoy the adventure by the time Epic rolls around.
When you reach level 5, you will select your team. If you want to base your selection off of mine (to either join or be against), I am team Valor. None of the teams have any advantage or disadvantage over any other team globally. If you commonly play with other players, I believe the most benefits come from being on the same team as the others. For the Epic Adventure, this will only slightly come into play.
If you have any questions about playing and leveling up, I would be ecstatic to talk about that with you. Reply here or hit me up in the Pokemon Go Thread or on the Pokemon Go Discord channel.
The Gym Rework dropped during Epic last year (Sound familiar cough TF2 cough)and we had an impromptu Pokemon Adventure. There is even more content in the game now. This Pokemon Adventure is going to be... Epic!
Edit: Recommended purchase for Trainers going on the adventure. The current Ultra Box has some good stuff. This is not required to participate but will allow for some nice buffs.
This can be purchased for $13 in Pokecoins ($9.99 + $0.99x3) but the $20 pack is a better deal on coins and after the Ultra Box would leave you 1000 extra for other stuff.
And if you get to level 5 and you want to be on a non-shit team that doesn't suck ass, Team Mystic is where you want to be!
Bluebird of friendliness
Like guardian angels it's
Always near
The "ITT" summary is actually pretty close to any given Pokemon Go gathering:
Valor: Best Trainer here NA
Mystic: Loud but weak
Instinct: Yet to be represented
Oh hey, I'm instinct. I used to play a ton and then I quit like a year ago, so now all my pokemon are super scrubby. Am I doing instinct right?
@_k and I have been competitively leveling up for months. Ready to help raid some legendary butts :-D
Let's do some pre-gaming. How's your level and who is your buddy? Let's see those Trainer Profile screenies!
I hit 40 last Sunday. I worked it out to hit 40 catching MewTwo. I have my 100% Surskit as my buddy because they are a rare spawn around here and I need the candy to evolve him.
How 'bout you?
Same reason for me for the Sunkern. Rare around here (I've only ever seen this one), so... Buddy time!
I was working on getting my first Gyarados when double candy was dropping, and then I didn't bother to switch my buddy out afterwards. Could always use another.
Plus, Magikarp is best buddy.
We work hard so Blissey can get fat.
Level 25, walkin' with a Ryhorn. Was mostly buddy to get enough candy to level him up (and they're not SUPER rare out here, but I want that Rhydon). I just hit enough candy to evolve, so I'm currently trying to figure out who my next buddy will be.
How did you catch your highest CP Pokemon?
My best IV Kyogre. Caught at a raid (lvl20) and then powered up to Level 35. Kyogre is the best Water-type attacker in the game currently.
It’s my highest CP but the IV bad due me being silly and not paying attention
Won my first raid and captured the boss!
Just won my first tier5 raid today
I started making a map for figuring out where to go for the Epic Adventure. Might be useful for local players in the mean time. All the closest EX Eligible Gyms are marked. Raid at these places when you can.
Wow... there are only three in the entire city? ?
There is probably some Sprint stores and Starbucks that have Gyms and by means of sponsorship are also EX eligible. I've mapped these based off of a list that did not include the sponsored gyms and unfortunately the sponsored gyms are all named the same thing so a screenshot of the EX pass doesn't tell me what store/shop it is at.
I'm game...

Nothing like getting an EX raid pass for a city you don't live in.
Alright, let's see your oldest Mon's! Anyone still have their starter?
My first 10k hatch back back on 8/16/16 was an 89% IV Dratini. He became my first Dragonite and still ranks with my best fighters. The Onix is from 7/25/16.
My oldest is a Vaporeon from 7/10/16.
My oldest. I named him scrub shell. I had some rattattas and pidgeys but they were all fed to professor oak.
Almost 200k experience in half a day!

Oldest Pokemon:
Highest Pokemon: