Desert Bus For Hope 12 - SAMPLE TEXT

UPSLynxUPSLynx :KAPPA:Redwood City, CA Icrontian
edited November 2018 in Gaming


I may have a sinus infection and a slight fever but DANGIT THIS BUS ISN'T GOING TO WATCH ITSELF. Tomorrow, Friday the 9th of November, Dessert Bust for Nope 12 kicks off at the bright and early time of 10AM PT. Y'all are sick and tired of me posting about this for nearly a decade BUT I DON'T CARE, IT'S FOR THE CHILDREN. Also, I feel compelled to say that I PROMISE THIS I AM NOT A SHILL THIS YEAR.

If you live under a rock or something, this is Desert Bus:

The rules are simple. Buy booze. Watch stream. Talk smack in chat. Maybe win a thing? Make the crew do silly things. Raise money for Child's Play. Dix sucks.

You follow those rules, and you'll be blunk out by morning with an empty wallet. Can't beat that kind of experience.

So pop a bottle, jump on Twitch, (or if you a real boi, use for best practice viewing experience) and get ready to make this fishbowl full of poor souls tell the camera that UPSLynx is Small Time. It's all for the kids.

Want to win a thing? Check out the list here:

Want to donate just because? Do the deed here:

Want to make @Canti happy? Challenge the bus to dance to Spice Girls.

Want to read old AF threads?

Previous threads:
Desert Bus 3
Desert Bus 4
Desert Bus 5
Desert Bus 6
Desert Bus 8
Desert Bus 9
Desert Bus 10
Desert Bus 11

Hopefully I have a voice back tomorrow because tonight I sound like ass. Dying ass. Congested dying ass. Let's keep the tradition going:



  • UPSLynxUPSLynx :KAPPA: Redwood City, CA Icrontian

    I frequently am asked "what's so fun about this?" It's never been easy to answer, but ironically enough now that I work at Twitch, I understand it better than ever.

    The most important thing to know is that despite this charity drive being about the crew playing a video game - the video game doesn't matter. It's simply a mechanic to keep them going. I rarely even pay attention to the game, because at a basic sense, this whole thing is about the chat interacting with the team streaming.

    Chat is what truly makes Twitch special. It's interactive entertainment, where you're as close as you could ever be to your favorite people. It makes the medium super unique.

    This is what made Desert Bus special to me even back in the very first running, before Twitch was created. The fact that this was live entertainment that you could talk to and interact with and, ultimately, force them to do stupid thing to raise money for charity is what makes it great fun to me. It's different than watching movies or TV - the interactive nature of the stream makes the people real and relatable. And when you add in silly challenges, improv comedy, and live conversations with the chat, it kicks it up a notch.

    Ultimately it's not going to be for everyone. That's totally cool. But I think the biggest thing to remember is that you get what you put into it. With Desert Bus, to have the most fun is to be a participant.

  • primesuspectprimesuspect Beepin n' Boopin Detroit, MI Icrontian

    bruh @UPSLynx your Icrontic title is still "Top EA shill" so

  • LincLinc Owner Detroit Icrontian

    @UPSLynx said:
    It's simply a mechanic to keep them going.

    Stronger your community wushu grows. See this applies to everything, soon you will.

  • UPSLynxUPSLynx :KAPPA: Redwood City, CA Icrontian

    @primesuspect said:
    bruh @UPSLynx your Icrontic title is still "Top EA shill" so

    Yeah, and my Twitch account was "THQLynx" until 4 weeks ago, so.

  • colacola part legend, part devil... all man Balls deep Icrontian

  • UPSLynxUPSLynx :KAPPA: Redwood City, CA Icrontian


  • I appreciate that they remember it from previous years.

  • UPSLynxUPSLynx :KAPPA: Redwood City, CA Icrontian

    Cola spent like 2 hours drawing a thing that he paid money for. For the children. Then it got on the stream.

  • UPSLynxUPSLynx :KAPPA: Redwood City, CA Icrontian

  • BobbyDigiBobbyDigi ? R U #Hats ! TX Icrontian
    edited November 2018

    On my TV


  • LincLinc Owner Detroit Icrontian

    @UPSLynx said:
    Cola spent like 2 hours drawing a thing that he paid money for. For the children. Then it got on the stream.

    I had to ask Cola what this meant. "Did you... draw a thing, donate it, and then buy it back?" "No, someone paid $5 to have me draw a thing from the topics they chose." "This is making much better sense than Bobby's sentence, thank you."

  • colacola part legend, part devil... all man Balls deep Icrontian

    Things got more real tonight, may be the most significant Desert Bus night we've ever had.

  • primesuspectprimesuspect Beepin n' Boopin Detroit, MI Icrontian

    Nicole and I, in bed, around 11:30pm.

    Hear huge thump and bang from Cola's room

    Her: "Did he die?"

    Me: "Probably drunk"

    Him: "I WON A THING"

  • UPSLynxUPSLynx :KAPPA: Redwood City, CA Icrontian

    @cola has threatened these bus wrestlers with BIG CITY SLAMS

  • CantiCanti =/= smalltime Icrontian

    How is this real?

  • DontCallMeKelsoDontCallMeKelso Kelso 'The Great Asshole' San Jose, CA Icrontian

  • DontCallMeKelsoDontCallMeKelso Kelso 'The Great Asshole' San Jose, CA Icrontian

    Something about the kazoo and Desert Bus

  • DontCallMeKelsoDontCallMeKelso Kelso 'The Great Asshole' San Jose, CA Icrontian

  • colacola part legend, part devil... all man Balls deep Icrontian

  • IlriyasIlriyas The Syrupy Canadian Toronto, Ontario Icrontian

    So my first donation ever in a Desert Bus coincided with a complete puzzle handbook prize or something. As the timer was counting down I think I said something to the effect of "I WANT THAT PIDIFF"

    I never won, but Bobby made me this. Got my PDF!

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