What should I do?
Im not gonna build my 64 computer until the new socket 939 motherboards come out with the dual memory and all that good stuff. So i desided while I wait iI might as well mod up a custom computer case. So my question to you guys, Have any of you written down any cool mods or had any cool thoughts but never got around to it? Im goodwith my hands I can do almost anything. And yo u are porbably wondering well, whats the case, dimensions etc, well thats part two!. What would you guys reccemend, I dont know if im gonna water cool, if i got money left over and all is good I mgiht try it. However if not I wont. but I would liek a decent air flow. Any ideas would be appreciated.
Things that describe me: Anime, Computers, Cars, Woman
, Games console and PC.
Some Ideas
- Joker (Like playing cards)
- I was thinking like a Nazi WWII carrier phone, and do a LED Swastika and camoflouge it, and no im not a neo nazi, but i like WWII. even a G.I. Box would be cool, get a big antena off it with a phone ^^
- do an American Flag, like make tin boxes, so the lights dont mix, and get a bunch of LED and get them on the side of the rig. so when turned on it makes the flag red white and blue. just an idea
- Upsidedown pentagram with 666 around it.. lol j/k
- Hmm I dont know, any sujestions would be appreciated, and I do go to school full time, and I work 40 hours a week, so be reasonable
Things that describe me: Anime, Computers, Cars, Woman

Some Ideas
- Joker (Like playing cards)
- I was thinking like a Nazi WWII carrier phone, and do a LED Swastika and camoflouge it, and no im not a neo nazi, but i like WWII. even a G.I. Box would be cool, get a big antena off it with a phone ^^
- do an American Flag, like make tin boxes, so the lights dont mix, and get a bunch of LED and get them on the side of the rig. so when turned on it makes the flag red white and blue. just an idea
- Upsidedown pentagram with 666 around it.. lol j/k

- Hmm I dont know, any sujestions would be appreciated, and I do go to school full time, and I work 40 hours a week, so be reasonable
