Civ VI - Icrontic FFA 003 [in progress]

Ladies and gentlemen of Civington. It is time.
The recent update to Civ VI has finally introduced native turn-a-day support, and we are going to play it. It begins here with a double-basic, no frills FFA game.
Settings: Standard/normal everything except Speed, which will be set to Online (200%).
Map will be 'Shuffle', sized to meet the number of players
All players will be random leaders.
Both major expansions required.
Declare your desire to play herein! and I will set the game up for us.
Recruiting will close in one week (5 Mar) or when we reach 8 players.
Player list:
- CB - Random Leader
- CrazyJoe - Random Leader
- Colgere - Random Leader
- GHoosdum - Random Leader
- Garg - Random Leader
Any questions? Put those herein also.
All the Nexlians are in. Who else is joining us? It's < $15 here if anyone doesn't have it yet.
You know I'm in. I should put whoever will take my spot in my will, just in case the game outlives me.
I can't wait to see CB try a pacifist victory with a random warmonger Civ.
If we were playing with Gathering Storm it would be much more likely. It's like GS was made exactly for CB.
Does it have any kind of notification or is it a log in every day and make your turn?
It gives you a notification through Steam. Unfortunately it's not super persistent, we've found: It gives you one pop-up in the corner of the screen (like the 'your friend is now playing this game' type of pop-up) and then it activates your notifications icon in the Steam interface (like when you earn a new card or receive a coupon). I WISH you could set the pop ups to keep popping up every hour or so until you take your turn, but that doesn't seem to be a thing, so you do have to be a bit more vigilant than we did with GMR.
But, like GMR, you can always take a look at the game status to find out whose turn it is, so we know who to poke if it's been a while.
Because I am definitely down to play, but I am not always the most remembering of players.
Note in the OP that I changed my mind about requiring the expansions. I assumed wrongly that there would be more interest from peeps who don't have the expansion, but after talking with the other guys already signed up, it was agreed that we really don't actually want to play without the expansions, and if this game is going to be a minor part of our lives for the next couple years, we should do it the way we most want to do it. I hope that no one who was still thinking about joining up feels shut out now. Sorry about that. If this goes well, we can always start a vanilla game later for those who wish it.
Okay, I just picked up Gathering Storm.
Do I also need to pick up Rise and Fall, or do the Gathering Storm rule changes preclude the need for Rise and Fall?
Do I need the various Civ and Scenario packs, or are those only necessary for the player who plays those civs?
I'm not sure how the rule sets interact, but my assumption is you'll need Rise and Fall.
I'm cool with excluding the individual Civ DLCs, even if it means we don't get best Civ waifu.
I think the Civs can be played by anyone that owns it even if everyone else does not. I'm not sure though, but we could test it ahead of time.
I picked up Rise and Fall as well, in that case. Steam put it on sale in the four hours since I posted the question.