MTG War of the Spark discussion (spoilers)

Ajani, Lilliana, Jace, Tezzerett, Vraska, Arlinn, Ob Nixilis, Tibalt, Confirmed
New "Army" Mechanic
Also that Bolas'a citadel tho
Ajani, Lilliana, Jace, Tezzerett, Vraska, Arlinn, Ob Nixilis, Tibalt, Confirmed
New "Army" Mechanic
Also that Bolas'a citadel tho
oh man Bolas' Citadel would be amazing in some Vamp, rat, kitties decks, artifact decks
I think I found my next commander guys...
With the other to Nivs (firemind and Parun... this could be a game ender)
Gideon's dead! FINALLY!