Fuck, I joined up with my original guild on Atiesh but there are issues...they went dirty Alliance cause the Horde side (original members) went dead over the years and only the Alliance side kept going.
I am down to join a IC on a server to have a Horde char, namely a Troll Hunter that never does quests and just dances during group play while the pet does everything.
I'm playing alliance on Pagle and really enjoying it.
Icrontic got started on Blaumeux. Horde.
PST Kethark for guild invite. We have about 10 active players right now
Fuck, I joined up with my original guild on Atiesh but there are issues...they went dirty Alliance cause the Horde side (original members) went dead over the years and only the Alliance side kept going.
I am down to join a IC on a server to have a Horde char, namely a Troll Hunter that never does quests and just dances during group play while the pet does everything.
Cool, started a troll prot warrior. Mahjik. Been looking out for you Brian, but add me if you notice me on. Magic#122334 on bnet.
Currently playing Alliance on Westfall with my boyfriend. Lv 22 dwarf paladin + human priest team.
Alliance ewwwwwww
I'm late, as usual, but the wife and I started trolls on Blaumeux tonight, mage + hunter. Will probably play as long as we're holed up at home.