Folding Again.
Geeky, in my own wayNaples, FL Icrontian
I built a new box and am Folding on it partly to see how much I can do in a simple computer with no graphics card(I am using only the APU. so far I have finished 2 WUs.
Nice! Every WU counts!
My production is a lot lower these days than when I used to fold on my GPU. But GPU folding on Linux with AMD is really tricky to get working, and then there's the noise it would make.
Hmmm.... on linux, folding works differently than it did in windows AFAIK.
Project 13794 is running so fast it takes about 10 hours to complete.
about 18 W/U complete.
Don't forget to get a passkey!
I am folding as Straight_Man Team 93 and it said passkey optional. I have gotten about 17K of points credit in 24 hours.
You'll get even more points with a passkey @Straight_Man
UM, NO. MY Fahclient script that stores info including the passkey and user info and team info will not reinstall. FAHControl is rejected by the software installer as untrusted and will not run. FAHViewer is useless since the initial script to set things does not run. FAH software is totally trashed on my computer. It will not reinstall, even after being uninstalled in terminal.
OS is Ubuntu 19.10.
You can install untrusted packages.
Well I used the tutorial on, and had to chmod the files (.deb's from FAH) to 777 before that worked. I might have to go to Fedora or Mint.
I've been reading some on the web and wonder if Debian will accept folding. Anyone know?
I'm folding on an OS derived from Ubuntu 18.04.
To clarify, does Folding still run, but so far you haven't gotten FAHControl to work?
If you need to get your passkey set up without FAHControl, you should be able to edit it in
Here's the relevant section of mine:
You'll need to edit it as root. A couple options are using a console based editor like nano, so that would be
sudo nano /etc/fahclient/config.xml
, or start a graphical editor as root, which would besudo gedit
from the terminal.Without FAHControl, you'd need to restart your computer or the FAHClient service for it to pick up the key you've added.
Now for FAHControl, I've also had issues. I'm trying to remember how I solved them. I seem to recall they're using really old GUI libraries, and I might have had to force it to install even though a dependency was missing (and it worked fine). I'm trying to remember if I did actually install any dependencies, though. I'll see if I can find any logs from my setup.
Thanks--I finally got it fully uninstalled (FAH) and then FAHClient wanted a passkey at first reinstalled run along with user name and team number. I left that window open while I ran a browser and an email client to get a passkey-- then I copy-pasted the key into its place.
The first time I installed FAH I gave FAHClient only user name and team number. FAH, in their help, said not to manually type passkey in. The only way I knew to do it was wipe folding client and reinstall. FAHControl was not allowed to run by Ubuntu 19.10.
Still Folding 24/7.
Looks like your passkey started to kick in too!! Went from 5k to 15k to 30k+ ppd.
Yes, and thanks for the link
Thanks for the info, the only way I could change the info for my passkey was a complete reinstall cuz I type like a 7 year old and thus avoid Terminal like the plague. Now at over 9,000,000 points total for the time I have folded for Icrontic. Without ANY graphics cards Folding. At about 25k to 30+k per day varying by what WU'S I get. Note: now at 37th place in Team Icrontic..
I kicked f@H off on my old dual proc server. 16 cores only getting 30k-50k with a huge a power draw. Looking at what a Ryzen 5 2400G will do against it makes me sad.
I am using 0th core only, and medium use. It was not folding overnight, so today's ppd might be low.
Can you have a client per proc? Each using thee proc at medium?
Technically yes, practically no.
Back in 2005 you used to run multiple instances of f@h and set affinity on dual cores to crank out more points, even if it was just threads and not extra cores. Then the panda group pushed out SMP clients to utilize the growing plethora of hardware in the gaming and compute community;
That eventually went to GPU clients and bigadv(which is dead). Now the clients are effectively unified. Through the v7 codebase the slots intelligently execute whatever WU they are given with the correct f@h core. Trying to squeak out more points by running multiple CPU clients instead of letting f@hControl manage it as a single block usually means less points purely on the time bonus but you would also lose some points because of how scheduling happens in most OSs when they hit 90%+.
OK, so FAH is now foldig from a single FAHControl, right? Um, is what they are saying bout windows folding true for Linux folding, or can one finagile it so there is one folding install per VM instance of linux? Perhaps using GNU/Linux *unix command set on a server's VM instance?
I'd be surprised if you got more points out of several single core clients running, since they give a time bonus for quick completion, and multithreading makes a big difference there.
CORE yes, agreed. But SMP machines running like what _k has or Leonardo had now need one client per CPU at least. In the age of CPU speed of 3.6-3.9 GHz (Ryzen Gen 2(2400G for instance))or higher with multiple Processors in each physical CPU, running *nix OS that can have a VM'd instance per inner processor, true simultaneous parallel processing is possible (AMD Threadrippers for example).
My CPU will complete a Project 14188 in about 19 hours total folding in slot 0, medium CPU usage, at 3.9 GHz speed. With LOTS of use.
Imagine what THIS will do, using 4 threads per Project.
Or the lesser one here:
FAHControl can be used to monitor and control multiple local clients, that development is not yet reality fully and appears to be in beta.