Pandemic Playtime: Boardgames evening
I've added an online boardgames evening this Friday (before Jackbox). It's a bit earlier than some other events (because I'm in Germany) but if you can make it we'll be playing games on and voice chatting on Discord. (specific games to play will be decided in the moment, but you can see the wide selections of games on the site.)
We've had amazing success with this. BoardGameArena is amazing, both real-time and turn based, depending on your own personal preference.
Sounds fun! I'd be showing up 2 hours after the start time though because job.
FYI, if you don’t have an account on BGA, I would try and make one earlier in the day vs waiting til game time; their servers seem to get busier then and we had one person not be able to play with us on a previous week. (ESP @Massalinie)
We're doing it again!
be there and be square.
oooooh, this Sunday? In! Is BGA free?
@RyanMM yes
I've scheduled a boardgames evening for this Friday. Also, I have planned a Carcassonne Tourney which will play online starting tomorrow. See the #tabletop room on the Discord for more info.