Icrontic Board Meeting: 8 June 2024

LincLinc OwnerDetroit Icrontian

Hello Icrontic!

On 8 June 2024 we had the second Board of Trustees meeting for the Icrontic Social Club. This was our first time meeting as a "complete" board! I was joined by @primesuspect, @sazbean, @ghoosdum, and @massalinie. We're excited to make a few announcements from our very productive 3.5-hour session.

First, we officially added @ghoosdum & @massalinie to the Board and selected board officers. For the term ending 1 Aug 2025, our President will be @sazbean, our Treasurer will be @ghoosdum, and I'll be our Secretary.

Second, we established an official system for club membership, Code of Conduct, and official communication channels. Those were announced separately.

Third, we approved the mission & scope for our first two committees. They will be the Membership Committee and the Moderation Committee. We'll explain them in greater detail and solicit volunteers in a separate announcement.

There's still lots to do! Our next Board meeting will be the first day of Expo, 19 June.



  • LincLinc Owner Detroit Icrontian

    We also passed a resolution officially thanking the Transition Team for their work last year! That was @BobbyDigi, @GnomeQueen, @Annes, @Winfrey, @Garg, @Sazbean, @primesuspect, & me. Thanks all!

    The Board hereby resolves to recognize and thank the Transition Team for their hard work, insight, and dedication to Icrontic in the drafting of the Bylaws of the Icrontic Social Club thereby ensuring Icrontic’s continued success into the future. The Transition Team is: Brian Ambrozy, Lincoln Russell, Sarah Worsham, Jonathan Rush, Charles Winfrey, Anne Baynes, Jackie DiOrio, Bobby Cometa (aka Bobby Digital).

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