Be wary of Digital River and Minitool Partition Wizard software

Not sure I am in the right section with this topic but here is my issue:
On 1-3-2024, I purchased Minitool Partition Wizard which is affiliated with Digital River GBH to perform data migration. I had used their freeware version previously with good results and decided to go ahead and buy the annual subscription to this software using PayPal for $52.06. I later learned that this software version was autorenewing and since I only needed it once, I cancelled the subscription. I received confirmation of this cancellation on 1-3-2025. However, Digital River/Minitool PW charged my PayPal account for renewal on 1-2-2025 without my authorization. I requested the company refund the amount charged to my PayPal and was denied. Since then, I have received various communications from Digital River/Minitool PW from different employees all seeking to justfiy not refunding the unwanted 1-2-2025 purchase amount. My last communication with them was this morning and I expressed my opinion that refusing me a refund is tantamount to theft.
If anyone has any suggestions on resolving this matter, I am all ears. However, I have researched Digital River GBH with results suggesting they are a company in financial stress. There may be no satisfactory resolution for me, as in refund, but I wanted to give everyone a heads up. As the title to this thread says: Be wary of Digital River and Minitool Partition Wizard software.