
When will DirectX 9.1 Arrive?

edited February 2004 in Science & Tech
[link=http://www.3dcenter.org]3DCenter[/link] last month posted a small article, on the perhaps false, inevitability of DirectX 9.1. I thought I would take the time to bring it out of moth balls to give you all something to read, considering the speculation regarding the next version of DirectX is currently quite topical.

[blockquote]Developers usually don't deliver pure HLSL code to the DirectX runtime. If they did so, an updated DirectX would be able to consider and to accelerate new hardware. Unfortunately, that is not the case. Developers don't like unveiling their work to others. So DirectX has to deal with the finished compilation binaries.[/blockquote]
[link=http://www.3dcenter.org/artikel/2004/01-10_english.php]The full article[/link]
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