A look at Forceware 56.56
Some were expecting the latest official Nvidia ForceWare drivers to land today, but it soon came to light that March 1st is the real date. [link=http://www.neoseeker.com]Neoseeker[/link] has posted a article looking at, what is expected to be, the driver version released at the start of next month. Nvidia ForceWare 56.56, a look see, check it out.
[blockquote]The current generation of cards are about done in terms of performance gains - in the last couple revisions of both the Forceware drivers from Nvidia and the Catalysts from ATI, the focus was more on bug fixes than on performance. However this does not mean that there are no major changes in the 56.56 drivers, on the contrary, they mark a significant improvement not in terms of 3D performance but in desktop features and usability.
[link=http://www.neoseeker.com/Articles/Hardware/Features/forceware5656/]The full article[/link]
[blockquote]The current generation of cards are about done in terms of performance gains - in the last couple revisions of both the Forceware drivers from Nvidia and the Catalysts from ATI, the focus was more on bug fixes than on performance. However this does not mean that there are no major changes in the 56.56 drivers, on the contrary, they mark a significant improvement not in terms of 3D performance but in desktop features and usability.
[link=http://www.neoseeker.com/Articles/Hardware/Features/forceware5656/]The full article[/link]
Like I mentioned in the other thread, these drivers have been leaked today I think. I'll have a news item with download link later.