Rumor: Opteron 2.00ghz (Model x46) due on July 6th

Omega65Omega65 Philadelphia, Pa
edited July 2003 in Science & Tech
<a href="; target=_blank >The Inquirer: 2GHz Opteron on the 6th of July?</a>

A FRENCH LANGUAGE SITE claims that AMD may well release the 2GHz version of the Opteron as soon as the 6th of July.

We think that would probably be a good idea, if the report is correct. It says the price will be in the region of €1850.

<a href="; target=_blank>French Site</a>


  • Omega65Omega65 Philadelphia, Pa
    edited July 2003
    It says the price will be in the region of €1850.

    Ouch! My whole system dosen't cost that much. :)
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