Learning the OC process

DragstkDragstk Syracuse, N.Y.
edited February 2004 in Hardware
After reading thru the OC threads, I figure I'll give it a try.
Here's what I working with:
Abit NF7-S
XP 2600 AXDA2600DKV3D 9486085282002 AIUGB 0246WPAW
1G. Corsair XMS PC-2700 (yes, I know this is a limiting factor)
Thermalright SP-97 w/92mm Panaflow fan

Right now, I'm at 169X13 w/1.65V running 39C, at idle,45C w/load.
With the stock multiplier(12.5), it always crashed at 169FSB, so I guess I've started in the right direction.
Do I keep raising the FSB, until it crashes, back it down slightly, them move the multiplier? How do I know when I need to increase the voltage?
Any idea what I can realistically expect from OCing this?

1 more question( I know, so many questions).
I checked the memory settings. With the BIOS set in auto, as I increase FSB and multiplier, the memory settings are getting larger( I assume, this is what they call "looser"?) I set it to Turbo, and they returned to Corsair's default. Should the memory settings be bigger as the other settings rise?

Any help would be most appreciated


  • csimoncsimon Acadiana Icrontian
    edited February 2004
    This is borrowed and modified from madshrimps so I can't take all of the credit.

    Never let temps get above 55dC
    *For best performance keep the multiplier above 11x.
    *Set CPU Interface to "Enabled" for the highest clock speeds.

    Highest CPU Speed Mhz
    1. Bios ...Softmenu III Setup ...
    2. Change multiplier from auto to 10.5 (10.5x133=1400).
    3. Reboot ...SoftMenu III Setup ...
    4. Increase multiplier one notch.
    5. Reboot into WindowsXP ...test/benchmark.
    6. If BSOD or crash increase vcore voltage one notch and try again.
    7. If no BSOD or crash increase multiplier one notch.
    8. Repeat #4 until highest cpu speed is achieved.

    Highest FSB Speed
    1. Bios ...divide top speed by 166 and set your multiplier to that then set FSB to 166.
    2. Reboot into WindowsXP ...test/benchmark.
    3. If BSOD or crash increase vmem voltage one notch and try again.
    4. If no BSOD or crash ...divide top speed by 176 and set your multiplier to that then set FSB to 176. Repeat #2.
    5. ...divide by 180.
    6. ...divide by 196.
    5. ...divide by 200.

    So Far We Have
    1. Highest CPU Speed.
    2. Highest FSB Speed.
    3. vcore and vmem voltages required.

    Lowest Memory Settings
    1. Set FSB back to 133 and multiplier back to auto.
    2. Set vmem as high as possible.
    3. Bios ...Advanced Chipset Features>DRAM Settings.
    4. Set 6-3-3-2 ...reboot ...bench/test.
    5. Set 6-3-2-2 ...reboot ...bench/test.
    6. Set 6-2-2-2 ...reboot ...bench/test.
    7. Set 5-3-2-2 ...reboot ...bench/test.
    8. Set 5-2-2-2 ...reboot ...bench/test.

    Merge Everything
    Highest FSB/CPU ...vcore set and vmem to max.

    edit:\ I keep vmen @ 2.8v rather than 2.9v and set to 11-2-2-2 for best results. If you achieve 5-2-2-2 bench it against 11-2-2-2 for best results.
  • mmonninmmonnin Centreville, VA
    edited February 2004
    Change the multi to 9 instread of 10.5 since NF7s have problems with 10 and 10.5. Then find your max FSB. Up the vmem as high as it will go. Up the vcore a few notches as well. Raise the FSB until ir crashes. Thats your high FSB.
  • DragstkDragstk Syracuse, N.Y.
    edited February 2004
    OK, thanks guys. What do you use to test? I have a couple of number crunching programs that cause the CPU to run 100%, so that is what I have been using.
    How high on the vcore can I go, or will the temps tell me?
    Thanks again
  • DragstkDragstk Syracuse, N.Y.
    edited February 2004
    mmonnin, is the vmem setting, the DDR SDRAM voltage? I have 4 options, 2.9v being the highest.
  • fatcatfatcat Mizzou Icrontian
    edited February 2004
    Dragstk wrote:
    mmonnin, is the vmem setting, the DDR SDRAM voltage? I have 4 options, 2.9v being the highest.

    yep, select 2.9v
  • TheLostSwedeTheLostSwede Trondheim, Norway Icrontian
    edited February 2004

    That memory might not be a limitation depending if it is the LL version. If it is the LL, it's Winbond CH5. I had a pair a couple of weeks ago and i stripped the sticks. I was kinda hoping it was BH5 but it was CH5. SOME NF7 boards don't like Winbond chips on the memory but SOME boards love it.

    With bioses other than D10, drop the multi to 11, set the timings on the memory to 11,3,2,2 and 2.9 volts. Set the chipset to 1.7 and agp to 1.5. Then just fire away with the fsb at sync settings. (3:3, 4:4, 5:5 etc)
    The rest of the suggestions above are also important. It's a fun board i you get a good one. Mine is giving me headaches.
  • DragstkDragstk Syracuse, N.Y.
    edited February 2004
    This is not what I want to be doing!!
    I'm writing from my Folding computer,as my other one id fubared.
    Iwas overclocking, got to 195FSB, and was upping the multiplier. At 13, it crashed, no screen at all. reset it, no go. So, I figures I needed to reset the CMOS. Pulled the battery, reset the jumper. Let it sit for a minute. Turned it on again, still no screen. HD light comes on solid for about 30 sec, then goes off, optical mouse flashes for about a minute, then nothing. All fans turn, HD 's run, but black screen.
    Forgot to unplug computer when I reset CMOS, so unplugged it, then reset pulled the battery, moved the jumper. Figured, while it was down, I'd check the memory(from Mackanz suggestion). Put it all back together, now it just beeps. Long 5 sec beeps, 5 sec of silence, 5 sec. of beep.
    What the hell have I done???????????
  • edited February 2004
    Reseat your memory. It sounds like 1 of the sticks of ram didn't fully seat when you pulled the memory out of the socket.
  • csimoncsimon Acadiana Icrontian
    edited February 2004
    This has happened to me a few times. Once I unplugged everything and let it sit til I woke up the next morning and it booted right up. Hard to not feel distress at a time like this.
  • Straight_ManStraight_Man Geeky, in my own way Naples, FL Icrontian
    edited February 2004
    Either that or the video card is not seated fully. Partly because it looks like it posted the first time, as could happen if a video card was just barely tilted in its AGP socket or not fully in the socket and seated or monitor was not connected to it. Some boards WILL do that. I've also had old monitors refuse to display the mode the card wants, and that can get you no-beep post with no video.

    But, yeah (agree about RAM) check RAM and video card seatings.

    John D.
  • TheLostSwedeTheLostSwede Trondheim, Norway Icrontian
    edited February 2004
    Remove one of the sticks. Better yet, remove both but only insert one of them and boot the pc. If it's ok, add the other stick. LEAVE the multiplier at 11, DO NOT change it until much later. Just use the fsb.
  • DragstkDragstk Syracuse, N.Y.
    edited February 2004
    Thanks for the ideas.
    I have 2 sticks of memory, and I tried each one, in every slot. Same results. Will try the video card, if no go, then I'm going to bed, and I'll try to reseat everything in the morning.
    Sressed? Me? If I had hair, I'd be pulling it out!!
  • csimoncsimon Acadiana Icrontian
    edited February 2004
    leave it unplugged while you sleep ...
  • DragstkDragstk Syracuse, N.Y.
    edited February 2004
    Well.... I fried something. Reseated the memory again, and the video card. Turned it back on, same beeps. Then suddenly smelled electronics. Not real strong, and not for long, but definitly there. My case was open, did the guick look a round, felt a few things...nothing. Continues to beep, HD's running, fans turning.
    Is it possible I fried the processor?(I know, anything is possible)
    I'm trying to convince a friend to gut his computer and let me borrow his NF7. This should be a direct bolt in, with no conflicts? (Same chip set)
    The price of learning may have suddenly become very steep
  • TheLostSwedeTheLostSwede Trondheim, Norway Icrontian
    edited February 2004
    It's definatly ram related me thinks.

    Long(Beep) continuous DRAM isn't inserted correctly

    From Abit forums btw.
    Does the system shut down after 4 long beeps?
  • DragstkDragstk Syracuse, N.Y.
    edited February 2004
    No, it just keeps beeping until I shut it off. I timed them - 4sec. beep, 5 sec of silence. Repeat until it drives you crazy.
    I have tried both my sticks in every slot, individually,and as pairs. Same result every time.
    Maybe I cooked the memory, or a memory slot on the board? I'll see if I can get somebody to loan me some memory to try.
  • csimoncsimon Acadiana Icrontian
    edited February 2004
    You could try reseating the cpu also ...remove the paste and re-apply the hsf. That would give you a chance to visually inspect it.
  • DragstkDragstk Syracuse, N.Y.
    edited February 2004
    Well, I think I cooked the MB. As I write this, on my Folding computer, it is running the processor and the memory from my main rig. I put the processor and memory, that was in the Folding rig in my main rig, and it still does the same beeps. I even changed the video card for good measure.
    I know what I have to replace now. Thank you, everyone for helping me out. I'll sit quietly in the corner, and Fold.
  • csimoncsimon Acadiana Icrontian
    edited February 2004
    Dragstk wrote:
    Well, I think I cooked the MB. As I write this, on my Folding computer, it is running the processor and the memory from my main rig. I put the processor and memory, that was in the Folding rig in my main rig, and it still does the same beeps. I even changed the video card for good measure.
    I know what I have to replace now. Thank you, everyone for helping me out. I'll sit quietly in the corner, and Fold.
    Time to RMA. Did you get your mobo from newegg by any chance?
    Can you pretty much recall what you were doing when the system went kapoot? Maybe we can help spot what went wrong.
  • Al_CapownAl_Capown Indiana
    edited February 2004
    Hrm.. I had a very similar situation with the last nf7-s I ordered from newegg. RMA'ed it hopefully it'll be in by Wednesday.
  • DragstkDragstk Syracuse, N.Y.
    edited February 2004
    yes, I did get my MB from NewEgg.
    I was following csimons advice about overclocking. I had raised the FSB to 195 w/ a multiplier of 9. I have a number crunching program that causes 100% CPU usage, so I would run that for 10 min. or so, open a few programs, just to check on stability, after every couple of successful reboots.
    I raised the multiplier to 12, everything going good. Bumped the voltage from 1.65 to 1.75. vmem set at 2.9.
    went for 12.5, saved, got out of BIOS, no warning, just a black screen. HD light ran for about a minute, mouse flashed off and on for another minute, then nothing.
    You can follow the rest of the tale from my other replies here..
    1 interesting note-It was suggested that I try a memory setting of 3-2-2-11. At 192X9, I reset the memory to those settings. I had already sucssfully run at this setting before.(Changing 1 thing at a time). It crashed. Reset to 2.5-3-3-6,and went up to 195.
    There you have my sorrid tale. Any insite would be most appreciated
  • DragstkDragstk Syracuse, N.Y.
    edited February 2004
    Al Capown, did you tell NewEgg you were overclocking it when it died?
  • Al_CapownAl_Capown Indiana
    edited February 2004
    Dragstk wrote:
    Al Capown, did you tell NewEgg you were overclocking it when it died?
    No, because I wasn't. I got the board and when i first booted I smelt burning silicon. Then the board told me I had a memory error. I tried the memory in my abit Va-10 it worked fine. RMA'ed the board and just said it never posted DOA.
  • csimoncsimon Acadiana Icrontian
    edited February 2004
    Dragstk wrote:
    yes, I did get my MB from NewEgg.
    I was following csimons advice about overclocking. I had raised the FSB to 195 w/ a multiplier of 9. I have a number crunching program that causes 100% CPU usage, so I would run that for 10 min. or so, open a few programs, just to check on stability, after every couple of successful reboots.
    I raised the multiplier to 12, everything going good. Bumped the voltage from 1.65 to 1.75. vmem set at 2.9.
    went for 12.5, saved, got out of BIOS, no warning, just a black screen. HD light ran for about a minute, mouse flashed off and on for another minute, then nothing.
    You can follow the rest of the tale from my other replies here..
    1 interesting note-It was suggested that I try a memory setting of 3-2-2-11. At 192X9, I reset the memory to those settings. I had already sucssfully run at this setting before.(Changing 1 thing at a time). It crashed. Reset to 2.5-3-3-6,and went up to 195.
    There you have my sorrid tale. Any insite would be most appreciated

    I know my machine wouldn't handle that unless I was watercooled and at least 2.0v
  • DragstkDragstk Syracuse, N.Y.
    edited February 2004
    Clearly, mine couldn't either. :) But at 195X12, it ran good, The temp had only gone up a couple of degrees(C). Everything ran good, no hesitations, I was psyched!
    Oh well...like they say in mountain biking-if you don't crash once and a while, you don't know where your limits are.
  • TheLostSwedeTheLostSwede Trondheim, Norway Icrontian
    edited February 2004
    Dragstk wrote:
    yes, I did get my MB from NewEgg.
    I was following csimons advice about overclocking. I had raised the FSB to 195 w/ a multiplier of 9. I have a number crunching program that causes 100% CPU usage, so I would run that for 10 min. or so, open a few programs, just to check on stability, after every couple of successful reboots.
    I raised the multiplier to 12, everything going good. Bumped the voltage from 1.65 to 1.75. vmem set at 2.9.
    went for 12.5, saved, got out of BIOS, no warning, just a black screen. HD light ran for about a minute, mouse flashed off and on for another minute, then nothing.
    You can follow the rest of the tale from my other replies here..
    1 interesting note-It was suggested that I try a memory setting of 3-2-2-11. At 192X9, I reset the memory to those settings. I had already sucssfully run at this setting before.(Changing 1 thing at a time). It crashed. Reset to 2.5-3-3-6,and went up to 195.
    There you have my sorrid tale. Any insite would be most appreciated
    For some reason, i think the bios chip is borked. Which btw is a well known problem on NF2 boards, especially NF7.
  • DragstkDragstk Syracuse, N.Y.
    edited February 2004
    Is there any way to verify that it is the BIOS chip that has gone bad? If so, I could just replace the chip.
  • Straight_ManStraight_Man Geeky, in my own way Naples, FL Icrontian
    edited February 2004
    Dragstk wrote:
    Is there any way to verify that it is the BIOS chip that has gone bad? If so, I could just replace the chip.

    Unfortunately, if you smell something burning, it probably is NOT the BIOS chip alone. IF you smelled nothing, then it could be a badly flashed BIOS (or CMOS battery, sorry to keep harping on this, but that has fixed things so many DANG times that I have had board that looked FUBARed where it did not also smell or spark or both that it is not even funny--little $1-2.00 battery fix).

    But, I would RMA board at that point, as flashing is not likely to work in the sense of more than 50% of the time with the error condition sets that have happened with this one board. Getting the right BIOS chip, installing without staticing it or inadvertantly running juice through it by leaving CMOS battery and\or motherboard connector plugged in when you stick it in, etc, is a very picky and painstaking process-- let Newegg send it back to mfr and let them do it, if that is all it is, it will go out as a refurb sale from mfr. Mfr usually wants it that way, they can revalidate board also, and recycle to refurb if it is not really bad-- after replacing a preburned BIOS chip into it.

    John D.
  • Al_CapownAl_Capown Indiana
    edited February 2004
    Just rma the board. :)
  • profdlpprofdlp The Holy City Of Westlake, Ohio
    edited February 2004
    Dragstk wrote:
    Is there any way to verify that it is the BIOS chip that has gone bad? If so, I could just replace the chip.
    Al_Capown wrote:
    Just rma the board. :)
    I'm with Al. Either way, you're going to be waiting on a part. Might as well replace the whole shebang, as opposed to getting a BIOS chip and maybe finding out that it was the board as a whole. You'll end up with a new BIOS chip either way. Sounds like your board had some "issues", a good board should be more forgiving of a failed OC.
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