
Prescott tweaks dangerous?

edited February 2004 in Science & Tech
[link=http://www.hardocp.com]HardOCP[/link] has recently posted an article looking at the potential dangers of overclocking your P4 Prescott CPU.

[blockquote]The 865PE Neo2-P Platinum Edition is designed to support the Intel(r) next generation Pentium 4(r) processor: Prescott. However, owing to the different manufacturing process and power management, we've made some voltage limits in the BIOS to protect the Prescott P4 CPU from burning out. Meanwhile, you'll also find that there is no CPU voltage settings to adjust. This is also for system protection. [/blockquote]
[link=http://www.hardocp.com/article.html?art=NTg5]The full article[/link]


  • MJOMJO Denmark New
    edited February 2004
    Rather funny actually.
    Everyone* expected the Prescott to OC rather well.
    That would also be the only reason for buying a P0rescott.
    But it seems that isn't possible.

    *Everyone = a lot of intel fanboys ;)
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