EU to give Microsoft leeway
The European Commission plans to let Microsoft choose how to solve EU competition concerns to avoid breaching the company's intellectual property rights, a source familiar with the case said Tuesday.
[blockquote]The commission, the European Union's competition watchdog, is investigating whether Microsoft abused the dominant position of its Windows operating system in the market for personal computer software by tying its Media Player program--used to play music and videos--to Windows.
[link=http://news.com.com/2100-1014_3-5163912.html?tag=nefd_top]The full report[/link]
[blockquote]The commission, the European Union's competition watchdog, is investigating whether Microsoft abused the dominant position of its Windows operating system in the market for personal computer software by tying its Media Player program--used to play music and videos--to Windows.
[link=http://news.com.com/2100-1014_3-5163912.html?tag=nefd_top]The full report[/link]