"The other" BSOD screensaver
Here's something I ran into while searching for news today. It's a screensaver that pretends to cause a system crash, reboots, then installs Linux in response. Not exactly top grade news, but too funny not to post.
[link=http://www.asktoby.com/downloads/BSODscreensaver.zip]Download[/link] (224KB) - [link=http://www.asktoby.com/]Official site[/link]
[link=http://www.asktoby.com/downloads/BSODscreensaver.zip]Download[/link] (224KB) - [link=http://www.asktoby.com/]Official site[/link]
John D-- does the RUN BOTH thing most of the time(leaving 2000 out of the mix)....