BEST MOD site evar!
Member 4 LifeAkron, PA Icrontian
Need modding supplys? Want a PSU already modded instead of doing it your self? Check out this site!
These guys are aabout and hr north of me I want to take an Interview with them for short-media if thats ok with the mods?
These guys are aabout and hr north of me I want to take an Interview with them for short-media if thats ok with the mods?
But from what the one guys said is that they might supply stuff for reviews and stuff.
Dang Thrax how big of a stick did you sit on? jeesh d00d
We keep a close eye on this sort of thing. Please email me with the basic scope of what you want to achieve with the interview. EG: I want to know all about what you do and what you got.
Before we approve this it is requested that you give your contact my email address ( and have them contact me with any questions about the site, how the article will be presented and so that I may set the general tone of things.
That way I can properly set the stage for you and the client to make sure everything goes smoothly.
It's great you want to to do's just that a bit of digital paperwork has to be done from my end. It's for the best for you and the client. At present you are not approved to go out and do it yet.