Promise R20378 RAID controller for XP64
Yeah, been looking for it, can't find it.
Can you?
Can you?
It's in the 64-Bit downloads section here at Short-Media.
Then I looked up the Promise controller on the Promise website. Was fond to find the 64 Bit section. But they say they don't make drivers for any of their products used in manufacturers stuff cause they can change or use different drivers.
So after that I tried some google and even or whatever it was and to no avail I have not found what I need.
I've had another look around, it seems people are having mixed results with these drivers (I've found them on Promise's site now). But it would seem they are the only ones available. I would keep trying to get the to work, and I'll be sure to let you know if and when I find newer ones. I expect that will be just a matter of waiting for Promise to release them though.