Replicant 2?

drasnordrasnor Starship OperatorHawthorne, CA Icrontian
edited March 2004 in Internet & Media
Has anyone tried using Replicant 2 for DVD copying? I can't seem to find any reviews on Google, just trash links.

-drasnor :fold:


  • JustinJustin Atlanta
    edited March 2004
    It works rather well. I guess it is illegal now....
  • edited March 2004
    ok you guys have said that all this dvd copying stuff is illegal- the how come i picked up a copy dvdx-copy for a 100 bux a bestbuy?
  • JustinJustin Atlanta
    edited March 2004
    You can still buy ephedra in the states but that dosen't mean that it is legal. Basicly, Having it is not illegal, and using it to burn DVDs is not illegal assuming the content of the aforementioned DVD belongs to you i.e. home movies, data, ect... However, I think that it works out that if you record something from a VHS tape, it is legal, if you go from DVD, it is illegal. Technically, file sharing has it's name tarnished with illegality yet it still exisists and KAzaa and the like have not been shut down. Controlling the digital form of entertainment is not an easy task and chances are that if you were to go on using DVD X copy, you would never get caught and fined but the whole point of the law is to put the fear into you so you will think twice about backing up the movie that they spent millions on and made back in their opening weekend and you spent 19.95 on and now that your dog got a hold of it, it won't play so you have to pay 19.95 to get another one. I guess Hollywood is starting to feel the sting of it's lecentious ways. MOstly this law focuses on the people that buy the movie and sell discount copies to their friends. DVD sales are slipping and they had to pay Ben Aflek $500,000 to do a PSA about pirating and coping movies ( I guess that would define Irony...). Personally, I think the prosecution bought that verdict ala Runaway Jury (19.95 at your local best buy...) I say copy away brother, fight the man, just don't let anybody know that you were aware of the new laws/penalty if/when you get caught...
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