Reading MemTest errors

DragstkDragstk Syracuse, N.Y.
edited March 2004 in Hardware
I had to put a new PS in my Folding machine. When it went back together, I figured I'd test it, so see how it will stand up.
I ran Memtest, and got 2 errors, but I don't know how to read them, or what it means.
error as follows:
Test 6
Pass 1
Failing address-00000027a30 0.4MB

2nd error was same test & pass, the only difference was the Failing address:

My Folding machine:
XP2100 (stock) w/ Zalman 7000Al
Asus A7V333
512 Kreton memory-single stick

Any help understanding this is most appreciated. Mainly, do I have to worry about these errors?


  • primesuspectprimesuspect Beepin n' Boopin Detroit, MI Icrontian
    edited March 2004
    you must worry about them, yes. Any errors whatsoever indicate that the memory needs to be replaced. Test each stick individually to determine which one is bad. If they are all bad, I would suspect an incompatibility between your ram and your mobo, or a bad slot. Make sure to try each one in a different slot individually.

    If a stick has any errors, it cannot be repaired. RMA it or replace it.
  • DragstkDragstk Syracuse, N.Y.
    edited March 2004
    Thanks Prime;
    I take it then, it doesn't matter so much what the error says, but the fact that there is an error.
    I only have 1 stick of memory. But as we speak, I'm testing the memory in other slots.
    Thank you;
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