ATI Proprietary Linux Driver 3.7.1
ATI have release a new proprietary Linux driver, v3.7.1!
[blockquote]The ATI proprietary Linux driver provides TV Output support for ATI graphics cards that support TV out. The ATI proprietary Linux driver also allows for the following monitor arrangements:
Laptop Mode (toggle between internal or external screen)
Clone Mode (same content on both screens)
Big Desktop (one desktop stretched across two screens)
Dual Head (separate instances of XFree86 running on each screen
[link=http://www.ati.com/support/drivers/linux/radeon-linux.html?type=linux&prodType=graphic&prod=productsLINUXdriver&submit.x=9&submit.y=10&submit=GO!]Download[/link] (3MB) - [link=http://www2.ati.com/drivers/linux/Linux_371_Release_Notes.html]Release notes[/link]
[blockquote]The ATI proprietary Linux driver provides TV Output support for ATI graphics cards that support TV out. The ATI proprietary Linux driver also allows for the following monitor arrangements:
Laptop Mode (toggle between internal or external screen)
Clone Mode (same content on both screens)
Big Desktop (one desktop stretched across two screens)
Dual Head (separate instances of XFree86 running on each screen
[link=http://www.ati.com/support/drivers/linux/radeon-linux.html?type=linux&prodType=graphic&prod=productsLINUXdriver&submit.x=9&submit.y=10&submit=GO!]Download[/link] (3MB) - [link=http://www2.ati.com/drivers/linux/Linux_371_Release_Notes.html]Release notes[/link]