Am i going to be able to Upgrade to mandrake 10?
Pasco, WA | USA
well, since Ageek told me that the new Mandrake 10 is coming out like in may, will i just be able to upgrade? or am i going to have to re-install the whole OS? man....
Major versions, like 8, 9, 10, need a reinstall. NOW, let me tell you a secret.... IF you keep your stuff in your /home directory, you CAN take and make abackup of that directory and you can also TRY not letting the installer wipe it, just mount it as the new /home. I would say, for a newer person, do BOTH. Then if you have to reinstall keep the /oldhome backup when you do, move your stuff back into /home.
You can have most of your cake and still eat it with Linux, trick is to have a couple copies and then you have somewhere to get your old stuff back from.
Note, if you continually upgrade with the upgrader, you might find you have most of the stuff anyway, and rule is with Linux:
"If it ain't broke, DON'T 'fix' it!"
10 gets you this:
KDE goes from 3.1.4 to 3.2
Gnome goes to 2.2
Compiler gets upgraded
Kernel they are saying will be in it will be 2.6.3 or better.
So, the answer to "can I eat cake and still have some," depends on how you reinstall with linux, and whether you can recover what you still want to keep..
When it gets closer to May, start asking about how to back up email, etc, and howto stick email and address book form old install back into new email and browser, even bookmarks can be ported to new veriosn of same browser or email client, often. I did that from Linux to WINDOWS XP by using same programs in Windows as I used in Linux, and the data files got stuck where I wanted them -- which was where the programs kept them -- and it "just worked."
John D.