New PC. Doesn't reboot correctly, system hangs every reboot.
Whats up guys? I just built this PC for a friend and it doesn't seem to want to cooperate. Firstly it's reading the XP 2200+ as 1350 mhz. When I try changing it from 100 mhz to 133 or 166 the system hangs. Everytime I try rebooting the system it hangs. I have to clear the CMOS in order for it to boot properly. These are the specs:
XP 2200+
Biostar M7NCG 400 (no jumper for 100/133)
Kingston PC3200 256MB
Liteon 52x
Liteon 16x
At the beginning screen it says DDR200 and that the cpu is running at 1350 mhz. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks much-DaK
XP 2200+
Biostar M7NCG 400 (no jumper for 100/133)
Kingston PC3200 256MB
Liteon 52x
Liteon 16x
At the beginning screen it says DDR200 and that the cpu is running at 1350 mhz. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks much-DaK
Download the Doc file: M7NCG400bios.pdf and follow the instructions for your chip and add in cards.
I think this response is better than the typical RTFM.
Good Luck,
Clear the CMOS too, look for an update for BIOS also, and as prime said, make dang sure there are no studs where there shuold not be and that there ARE studs with screws tightened down tight every place there should be. Also check PSU leg voltages since you have two optical drives in it, they will suck juice big time.
If you are not good at backprobing active PSU lines to motherboard socket, then try unplugging the optical drives totally, clear CMOS, and see if box suddenly works normally. IF it does, PSU is underspeced, damaged, or simply defective. If it does not look like PSU, try some PC2700 in it, DDR and not dual channel. With a Barton, you can sometimes go that fast and have it work REAL well, with a pre-Barton series, not always can you do that.
Is this a KT600 or KT800 chipset board??? I am not familiar with it, do not have time to look right now, sorry, so will ask.
I also hope it is not a refurb board.... VERY much hope so....
John D.