Symbiot launches DDoS counter-strike tool
Security company Symbiot is about to launch a product that can hit back at hackers and DDoS attacks by lashing out with its own arsenal of tricks, but experts say it may just be a bit too trigger-happy.
[blockquote]Symbiot, a Texas-based security firm, is preparing to launch a corporate defence system at the end of March that can fight back against distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) and hacker attacks by launching a counter-strike.[/blockquote]
[link=http://news.zdnet.co.uk/0,39020330,39148215,00.htm]The full report[/link] - Submitted by profdlp
[blockquote]Symbiot, a Texas-based security firm, is preparing to launch a corporate defence system at the end of March that can fight back against distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) and hacker attacks by launching a counter-strike.[/blockquote]
[link=http://news.zdnet.co.uk/0,39020330,39148215,00.htm]The full report[/link] - Submitted by profdlp
I think that I could have a pretty good force of deterrence if the dual Athlon, dual Pentium III, and dual Opteron get in on it together.
I'm not sorry to say that I have no sympathy for people who allow their computers to become infected with viruses that launch DDoS attacks. Likewise, I wouldn't be sorry to see the ISP of someone launching a DDoS attack fold under a DoS counterstrike. Besides, everyone knows granny keeps that 100 year old cookie recipe with the family heirlooms.