SATA as single drive?
I ordered a raptor 70gb that should be in tomorrow. I was looking at a review and it seems that the drive is a serial drive.
What I'd like to know is ...on the NF7-S v2 the SATA port a RAID port and will I have to initialize RAID in the bios for it to recongnize the drive as a single drive?
Anything I should know about this?
What I'd like to know is ...on the NF7-S v2 the SATA port a RAID port and will I have to initialize RAID in the bios for it to recongnize the drive as a single drive?
Anything I should know about this?
After you enable it and set it to enhanced you'll have windows report new hardware found so you'll need to load the drivers for it...this is important because if you ghost the drive before loading those drivers windows won't boot, you'll end up having to load them during a repair install.
If this was an Intel chipset based board you wouldn't need a special driver for the SATA but on an NF7-S you'll have to load a driver for it, once the driver is loaded and it's ghosted windows should be able to deal with the new drive on bootup.
Besides, unless you're running in raid there's really no need to set the SATA as raid, you lose some options in device manager that way.
I don't see bios anything.
If all else fails read your manual.