Win2K is Being Dumb.

well, if you guys havent noticed i have mainly been using Mandrake linux for last couple of weeks to do everything except gaming. that is the only reason i still have a windows OS on my pc.
anyways. My friend has halo. i wanted to try it out so he let me borrow it. install went fine. i started to play. everything went fine. then i realized i was getting teh crap FPS. so i went to the Halo settings. i maxed everything out. (cept resolution i put that at 1024 x 768) well it started to change the settings. then it said "gathering exception data" then the PC just hard reboots on his own now the crappy part about this is that. now it does it constantly. i do anything in windows and the PC just reboots on its own it doesnt even have the shutdown screen it just hard reboots. i dont think its the PSU cause i run linux fine. i dont have any probs in linux. this is a windows only deal here. i kinda dont wanna re-install win2k cause i have some music and software that i hate finding/re-installing but if its a must i will. oh and i forgot to mention. not only does it hard reboot alot. i keep getting Memory BSD's (blue screen of death) they go: "some memory someting starting physical memory dump" man.... it cant be my memory. everything works fine in linux. so?
thanks for any help guys.
anyways. My friend has halo. i wanted to try it out so he let me borrow it. install went fine. i started to play. everything went fine. then i realized i was getting teh crap FPS. so i went to the Halo settings. i maxed everything out. (cept resolution i put that at 1024 x 768) well it started to change the settings. then it said "gathering exception data" then the PC just hard reboots on his own now the crappy part about this is that. now it does it constantly. i do anything in windows and the PC just reboots on its own it doesnt even have the shutdown screen it just hard reboots. i dont think its the PSU cause i run linux fine. i dont have any probs in linux. this is a windows only deal here. i kinda dont wanna re-install win2k cause i have some music and software that i hate finding/re-installing but if its a must i will. oh and i forgot to mention. not only does it hard reboot alot. i keep getting Memory BSD's (blue screen of death) they go: "some memory someting starting physical memory dump" man.... it cant be my memory. everything works fine in linux. so?
thanks for any help guys.
save your memory.dmp files. goto AOAForums, in there is a detailed instruction on how to use win debbuger to find out what exactly is causing the issue.
The easiest thing to do is swap it out with one you trust.
are there any simptoms of a dying PSU?
next up mobo monitor.
i dont know what the heck is going on...
Halo plays with resolution (you set that, it played with color depth and refresh rates and that is probably when things went screwy, right?) so try pulling it in safe mode when you have a basic video setting imposed.
Then try restarting, see if the thing coems up into windows, set things back to normal for video. Restart, see if windows is stable. No, probbaly not normal mainboard RAM that Halo is talking about-- could be VIDEO CARD RAM as Halo probbaly tried to set up for nearest card it knew to yours and then proceeded to essentially OC the card. When video cards go unstable with Win2K all holy heck breaks loose. So, best to pull Halo. Then see if more conservative settings on video card make Win2K stable again.
Oh, ATI likes to custom tweak the directx with its cards, possible that reloading Directx from the ATI driver CD (not a stock Microsoft Directx) will help fix some also if things are only partly fixed. I HAVE done that before and had it help, some.... With both NVidia and ATI cards, but especially ATI cards.
John D.
Put my cpu at defaults and everything in the bios at default. problem seems to have dissapeard.
could it be because my PSU doesnt have enough power for my Processor? cause i OCed this Processor hard. maybe the PSU couldnt take it. its a Generic PSU thats why i started leaning toward the PSU. i am gonna have to buy an antec PSU or something. something better then this thing.
Halo is notorious for being a video hog. If you haven't got a good fast AGP card and optimized video settings in your BIOS, Halo will quite probably max out your video memory and cause problems. Check some of the things disccussed in this thread:
I was troubleshooting some similar issues on XP for a friend's computer, some of the links I posted there may be helpful.
Please post your video card specs, as well as your BIOS settings regarding video. Sometimes something as simple as having an AGPx speed which is not compatible with your card, or having a memory hole aperture too big or too small will cause video cards / RAM to have conflicts, causing exactly the problems you are seeing.
I restored the OC like prof had reccomended, and it restarted again when i went into windows. i dont get it... it doesnt do anything in linux but it does in windows....
i am starting to lean with the PSU. the voltages and such looked fine when i looked at them. but...??? i dunno... i am confused...
then after that it refused to post. it would not start up. the machine would turn on. but nothing would be displayed on the screen. man... this sucks...
i fixed the problem by resetting the bios. but i dunno what cause it not to be able to boot.
Symptoms were random hard reboots with no error screens. It was an enormous pita to troubleshoot.
If you're in the mood to pinpoint the problem you could note what the settings are now, then try fooling around with them and see if the problem recurs.
but for now its time for school
OK, so your windows was fine. Install was fine. Halo was fine. You weren't happy with the frame rate, so you changed the VIDEO SETTINGS. Everything goes kablooie. And for some reason you don't think this is a VIDEO problem, you think at first that it is Windows problem but now you think it is a power supply problem?
So, you reset your BIOS, and everything is fine again. My question to you know is: what in the BIOS changes anything to do with the power supply? Hint: absolutely nothing.
Next question: what in the BIOS changes anything to do with your video setup? Hint: lots.
When you maxed the video settings out in HALO, those settings will make adjustments to your DirectX settings and your video driver settings. One of those changes was so severe that your video card stopped responding, because the changes that were made to DirectX and/or video driver settings are beyond the caapability of your video card. This is why the system kept rebooting.
If you check out the HALO FAQ's and Support Page at Microsoft:
Or the tech forum at Gearbox Software:
You will see that over 85% of rebooting and freezing problems with Halo are due to video configuration problems. Seeing sa how that was what you were adjusting when you experienced the problem, I am pretty confident that yur PSU and your OS are not the problem here.
So again I ask: what type of video card are you using, brand and model number, what drivers, and what Directx version? There are some known issues with ATI video cards and Halo.
Also, what chipset is your mobo? There are some known issues with VIA chipsets if you do not have the lastest VIA drivers.
Read the part of his post I quoted above. After changing video settings in HALO, his computer now reboots all the time. The problem originates with HALO changing overall system video settings, and is fixed after he reset the BIOS.
Well, that tells me that oen thing in BIOS might be playing in here.... Look and see if altering the video card polling from PCI to AGP replicates issue, will you??? Leaving that in PCI with an AGP card present typically happens on reset AND uses different settings and Windows will slow things down for a PCI card it thinks it has sometimes, thus remorphing the settings to something managable. Sometimes, after one has then changed it back to AGP, things still work as Windows has fixed video back to default, sometimes the "other possibility" happens and Windows re-adopts the last AGP settings it had and you get to go back to the PCI detect first to get Windows up, then reload AGP drivers, then change BIOS back to AGP first, then please stop playing the misbehaving game. Seen both happen.
John D.
My Video card is an Abit GeForce4 Ti4200.
i reinstalled DX and the 53.xx drivers.
this is a Windows problem now. not game. i think it IS the PSU. what else could it be?
You restore the CPU overclock and the rebooting returns and you believe it is a Windows problem?
SOME of the problems associated with overclocking your CPU:
1) Your CPU may not overclock to the speeds that you want.
2) You may need to apply more voltage to the CPU.
3) You may not have sufficient cooling for the CPU.
4) Your PSU may not be able to handle the extra power required to overclock.
5) Your FSB may not be stable at overclocked speeds.
6) Your memory may not be stable at overclocked speeds.
You mentioned previously that you had run and passed memtest so 5 and 6 are not likely (but still possible under load). The problem is NOT Windows.