
Lindows: Microsoft's Latest Demand Impossible

edited March 2004 in Science & Tech
Microsoft has filed legal papers in the Netherlands requesting fines of 100,000 euros (US$122,230) per day against Lindows for allowing users within that country to access its Internet site. Lindows says Microsoft's demand to block access to its Web site by users in Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg is unreasonable.

[blockquote]"These are the family jewels," says University of San Francisco law professor and trademark expert Tom McCarthy. "The Windows trademark is so important I don't doubt that Bill Gates is going to hand the legal department a blank check to fight this on all fronts,"[/blockquote]
[link=http://cio-today.newsfactor.com/story.xhtml?story_title=Lindows__Microsoft_s_Latest_Demand_Impossible&story_id=23359]The full report[/link]
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