AMD Athlon 64 FX-53 Processor Review
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AMD is setting their sights on taking the pole position again with the Athlon 64 FX-53. AMD have launched another processor in the FX family that delivers an intimidating set of benchmarks. FX-53 is more expensive and it won't be immediately coming off the shelves into consumers hands in great quantities. Could the purpose of AMD's flagship processor be to establish a reputation as a performance king rather than as the underdog and cheaper alternative? Consumers do buy a reputation and a good reputation can positively influence sales of other products carrying the AMD brand name.
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Zoooooooooom! Check it out here if you can catch it.
Excellent review
OR you could donate them to your fellow reviewers...
But I probably would have done the same. I can think of pretty evil things to do, but can never do them...