About ready to kill Gigabyte...
I've installed Xp pro three times now...every time my sata drive is detected, but when i get in xp, it's listed at ata100 (according to hd tune, sandra, and msinfo32.exe). i've tried the intel f6 driver for when you install...but, my sata drivers are built into my chipset, and the hdd IS detected when windows installs, but why not as SATA?! i'm incredibly frustrated and am on the verge of rma'ing this board (which is a gigabyte ga8ipe1000L revision 2) DESPERATELY IN NEED OF HELP!!!!! this is getting to be ridiculous! and in my bios I CANNOT SELECT SCSI AS A BOOT DEVICE. sry, but everyone keeps telling me that and i'm saying out front that it isn't possible for some reason, it's like it doesn't exist. i'm using a single seagate sata 120gig drive. please help me!!
EDIT (by Spinner): For back story please read here: http://www.short-media.com/forum/showthread.php?t=11413&page=2&pp=20
EDIT (by Spinner): For back story please read here: http://www.short-media.com/forum/showthread.php?t=11413&page=2&pp=20
I'm not quite sure what the problem is you're having. Your OS boots up fine on the disk in question, the hard drive seems to be working and is fully accessible. And by the look of your benchmark everything seems to be performing as well as it should. Why have you had to re-install Windows several times?
I can't comment specifically to your situation, but a lot of the current SATA drives are actually just PATA drives with built in socket adapters, so it would be reasonable to assume that some might still project themselves as ATA100 drives when working individually. I don't know, just an idea. But if your drive is plugged into the SATA port on your mobo, and you're running Windows on it. Then I don't think you have anything to worry about. I think that might be how it is supposed to be.
As I said before, most SATA drives on the market at the moment are PATA drives with socket adapters built in, but even with most true SATA drives, currently they are only slightly faster, if at all, than ATA100 (PATA) based hard drives.
If you're connected to the ICH5R southbridge for SATA, you'll need the Intel Application Accelerator RAID Edition
but you don't need to create a RAID array to achieve SATA 150. The SATA 150 spec is based on single drive performance. You may also need to install SP 1 (or now 2) as well.
A RAID 0 array of 2 SATA 150 drives will be faster than a single SATA 150 drive, but this is true for any type of drive be it SCSI or IDE.
The Intel link above has good instructions on how to do this in a new build as well.
The Promise SATA controller can be used in either regular IDE mode or RAID just like the ICH5R southbridge.
Looks like it isn't a Gigabyte problem.
Hope this helps
well????? Did it work...are you in SATA 150 land?
Many people here use ATTO and have more experience diagnosing the results.
That RAID utility you spoke of probably doesn't work, because you don't have a RAID array. Simple as that I think.
Let me re-iterate something to you though mate. With the exception of a few, most SATA drives currently on the market, true or not, perform just about the same as PATA drives. It is just a different interface and controller standard. SATA has the potential to grow into something a lot faster than PATA, but currently it is not. Those scores, are fine. You have nothing to worry about.
Basic tips for benching are, running the benchmark program with no other applications running, background or otherwise and making sure your disk is freshly de-fragged.
PowerStrip last time I checked, is quite a good tool for tweaking pci latency and what not, but you probably won't notice any significant gains unless your system is currently running at a disadvantage in that respect.
If its 1/3 full your right on for performance. Every differant chip from SI to HPt to Promise etc... shows the devices differantly. the fastest drives run only at slightly more then 1/3 the speed of sata anyway. Your drive runs at 1/3 the speed of sata but... still HALF of ata100 speeds also. Worry less about how it shows up in the differant utilitys that depending on the version of the utilty which may not be up to date with current drivers etc... and concentrate on ..... is it performing on par with what I should expect from the drive?
You have a 1/3 full drive that might hit 50 to 55,000 empty and gets slower the farther in you go. And your hitting 45,000 so.....
Your right there baby! Now you can go sleep happy again.