Overclocking RAM??
I'm kind of a newb as far as RAM goes. When you lower the timings on the RAM, is that overclocking it?? I've kinda wanted to for a while, but a small expiriment made it uhh.... Not work. (And made me extremely paranoid) Steady looong beep as soon as I turned on my machine. Basically I put everything at it's lowest setting and restarted. I thought i fried it or something until I opened my machine, took out the RAM, inspected it, and put it back in. It worked fine after that, and still does. I've got PC3200 at 2.5, 3, 3, 8. Is there any headroom there? Should I look into a ram sink or something? If I lower the timings (carefully I hope) would it do that again? And what kinda difference does it make? Maybe I should just stay away from it with my paranoia. lol
Changing the timings does not really overclock it, more like tweaking it. Just try changing it one step at a time and then benchmarking to see if its stable.
If only I had.....