Intel vs AMD...No Flaming please.
Apart from one computer we own, HP Athlon 850, all our puters are Intel based. Starting from P4 2.4 to P4 3.2HT.
I realise there are a lot of AMD fans here and no doubt with good cause.
As the question is based with Folding in mind, i would like to know what the AMD equivalant is to Intel HT, able to fold 2 WU on the one puter.
I have done some research, but cannot find the simplistic answer i'm looking for.
Basically, if i want to build a puter that can fold 2 WU's at the one time, i know i can do it with Intel Hyper Threading. I have tried to understand about Opteron dual proc's, but get lost when they state it is a server.
Can anyone give me a simplistic rundown on what i could do with AMD to obtain the same result. I would not wish to spend heaps more to achieve the same goal as i could with Intel HT.
This is not intended to be a slanging match, just genuine information only.
I hope this is in the correct area.
Thanks in advance.
I realise there are a lot of AMD fans here and no doubt with good cause.
As the question is based with Folding in mind, i would like to know what the AMD equivalant is to Intel HT, able to fold 2 WU on the one puter.
I have done some research, but cannot find the simplistic answer i'm looking for.
Basically, if i want to build a puter that can fold 2 WU's at the one time, i know i can do it with Intel Hyper Threading. I have tried to understand about Opteron dual proc's, but get lost when they state it is a server.
Can anyone give me a simplistic rundown on what i could do with AMD to obtain the same result. I would not wish to spend heaps more to achieve the same goal as i could with Intel HT.
This is not intended to be a slanging match, just genuine information only.
I hope this is in the correct area.
Thanks in advance.
What you need is a dual processor box - either dual Athlon MP or dual Opteron. For folding, I would say dual Athlon MP is more effective on the budget, and will probably outfold a dual opteron system. Opterons are indeed server chips, but that doesn't mean they can't fold - they are just optimized for server tasks.
Search the forums for "dual athlon" and you'll find lots of good info. Many people here, including myself, have built dual processor athlon boxes and they work great.