Strange Betas
The heart of radical Amish country..
I've been getting alot of Betas Gromacs, specifically p934_fkfe_all . These things fold pretty quickly, about 5.5 minutes per step. Not bad, but the point return can't be much because my production has tanked. 934s are strange beasts, they Fold cold.. that is.. my computer doesn't heat up as much as it does folding non-betas. It's currently 34/36 cpu/mobo. Using Windows Task Manager/Processes, it appears 934s don't use 100% cpu.. the CPU Usage bar actually scales up and down, up and down.. screenie below...
how does that work?
there've been threads on this already, i've noticed they're also a monster ram-hog
You can gain a lot if you run another client on that machine. Like 2 for HT and then another to make it a third.
Thanks for the info mmonnin.. I'm still confused as to how they are not betas.. Oh, btw.. you better check out this thread:
You have prolly have gotten them with the advmethods switch which will get you 'semi-beta' WUs if thats what you meant.