Intel Updates Cellular Chips
OwnerDetroit Icrontian
Intel is trying to prop up its communications business with new cell phone chips (just before a quarterly earnings report).
Source: Yahoo
Submitted by: KingFishThe Santa Clara, California-based company plans on Monday to introduce chips that will allow video conferencing on mobile phones and DVD-quality video playback on handheld devices. The new chips aim to inject some life into Intel's communications business, which lost $858 million last year.
Source: Yahoo
On a more serious note, we had a father/son jogging down the road about two blocks from where I live. They were hit from behind by an driver (with a suspended drivers license) chatting away on her cellphone. The son was brain dead that day and the father had a knee that looked like cauliflower. The news article of the accident didn't mention the cellphone but I spoke to the deputy that worked the accident and he confirmed it.