Intel Updates Cellular Chips

LincLinc OwnerDetroit Icrontian
edited April 2004 in Science & Tech
Intel is trying to prop up its communications business with new cell phone chips (just before a quarterly earnings report).
The Santa Clara, California-based company plans on Monday to introduce chips that will allow video conferencing on mobile phones and DVD-quality video playback on handheld devices. The new chips aim to inject some life into Intel's communications business, which lost $858 million last year.
Submitted by: KingFish

Source: Yahoo


  • edited April 2004
    Yup, more distractions for drivers. As if GPS, mobile video, amped up sound systems, eating McDonald's, doing makeup, reading the newspaper, chatting on the cellphone, and whatever else wasn't distracting enough, now we have dvd quality cellphones to add to the mix.

    On a more serious note, we had a father/son jogging down the road about two blocks from where I live. They were hit from behind by an driver (with a suspended drivers license) chatting away on her cellphone. The son was brain dead that day and the father had a knee that looked like cauliflower. The news article of the accident didn't mention the cellphone but I spoke to the deputy that worked the accident and he confirmed it.

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