Got me a new Toy!
Well I am now BACK in debt... but this time it was well worth it!!! Ohh yeah, and I won't be having my second PC up and running again :P
I got myself a Sony DCR-HC30 it is so small and nice... I'll see about getting some Video up soon, give me examples of what to shoot and when and we can get a kind of Review going on it since I spent $914 on it and a tripod and firewire cable
I got myself a Sony DCR-HC30 it is so small and nice... I'll see about getting some Video up soon, give me examples of what to shoot and when and we can get a kind of Review going on it since I spent $914 on it and a tripod and firewire cable
Sweet looking little unit RWB!
/me is jealous.....
I have been trying to record from my TV, but so far I have got only Audio, but no video... still figuring ito ut since my In/Out ports are all fubar becuase of all the peices I have connected.
So far the Video Quality has been very nice, and that was in a dimmly lit area.... me likes so far, well worth the cost!
It ain't Illegal either, cuase it is for Educational Purposes, and nothing else(you guys won't see it )